Let's Take Care Of Our Forest

in #nature7 years ago

Forests have an important function for human life. In addition to maintaining water supplies in the soil and preserving the biodiversity therein, forests also have economic value where if we are able to manage them properly, forest products can be utilized as a livelihood in addition, with forests being able to prevent natural disasters such as floods, landslides, even air pollution.

Indonesia is the third largest tropical rainforest owner in the world after Brazil and Congo, with forest area each of which is Papua (32.36 million hectares). Other Indonesian forest sites are located in Kalimantan (28.23 million hectares), Sumatra (14.65 million hectares), Sulawesi (8.87 million hectares), Maluku and North Maluku (4.02 million hectares), Java (3.09 million hectares), as well as Bali and Nusa Tenggara area of ​​2.7 million hectares (Blog Hijup). I have a family who used to work as a forestry man, my father and brother. Both are active in the preparation and implementation of forestry-related programs. As researchers, they also examined the species present in Indonesian forests, especially in Wasur National Park, Merauke, Papua. There are so many species and plants that grow there. Some typical Papuan animals in Wasur TN include Tree Kangaroos, Walabi, Timor deer, Freshwater Crocodiles, Crocodiles Muara, Cassowary, Mambruk, Cenderawasih Kuning Besar, Cenderawasih Raja, and some freshwater turtles (Forda.mof) .

However, the forest in Indonesia is decreasing from year to year. In the period 2000-2009, Indonesia's deforested forest area is 15.16 million ha (source). Papua, as one of the islands that has large forest cover, also experienced a decline in forest area. If forest cover in 2000 was compared with forest cover in 2009, deforested forest in Papua was 1.81%. Based on UPNG Remote Sensing Center data in Greenpeace, In Papua New Guinea, about 83% of forests that can be cormially processed disappear or shrink by 2021 if the rate of logging continues.Padahal, Papua's forests are one of the world's forests that have biodiversity abundant. There are various types of plants and animals there.

The impacts of deforestation and deforestation have negative consequences on forest ecosystems. Some of the negative impacts of forest destruction include (sources):

The hydro-orological system becomes disrupted
Floods and landslides during the rainy season.
Drought in summer
Extinction of Biodiversity
Poverty and Loss are economically viable
Climate Change and Global Warming
Damage to terrestrial and marine ecosystems
Beach Abrasion and Intrusion from the Sea
The loss of cultural characteristics of society

As a result of the destruction of Indonesia's forests is the potential for natural disasters such as landslides, droughts during the dry season, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, global warming, contributes 12% - 17% of global carbon dioxide emissions, extinction of Indonesia's flora and fauna flora, negative effects to other nature (hijupblog).

Some efforts have been made by various elements that are concerned about the existence of forests in Indonesia, for example with the efforts of reforestation, socialization, and moratorium efforts. The moratorium attempt to temporarily halt forest clearance, in both new concession sites and existing concessions, will give governments time to improve forest governance, develop low-carbon development plans, review existing illegal concessions - illegally obtained (Greenpeace ).

Therefore, let's save Indonesia's forests. Let's take care of our forests by giving real contribution through things we can do, for example by planting trees, reducing paper usage, socializing about the importance of forests, and other real actions that we can do.

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