Perhaps an effective strategy would be to market the Vaquita as cryptocurrent floatation devices, to help one stay afloat when things get rough.
I'm sure their demand would spike immediately, and with the public clamouring for these handy little lifefinancial savers their future will be assured.
I think there's also something about being able to use a hedge against the volatility of the currents, but there is of course the risk of getting lost..... Also, I'm not sure these things even grow underwater..
Besides, when I do more digging on the internet, I can find tons of examples where hedges are clearly dangerous as well..
I will need to look into these financial floatation devices...
my initial research has not been fully satisfying
crypto is so complex.. I'm not sure how this all ties in with the Vaquita anymore..
This does seem like a good time to take a bit of a break and rethink the porpoise of all this.