Venezuelan Poodle Moth.
A newly discovered moth, first photographed in 2009.
I must admit that it is seldom i find insects to be cute, even if i often find them fascinating.
But this one really is cute. :)
As it is pretty new, its not much to read about it in Wikipedia neither..
@rezpatex Oh my goodness, I want this moth. Such a beauty :D
I agree.
It is seldom a insect make most woman think it look cosy. :)
Hahahaa 😂
You could name it Fluffy
@rsarvas Fluffymon 😂
I can't help but think it looks like some sort of entry level pokemon creature.
If i was going to make a new alien movie of some sort, the insect world would be the fist i study to find inspiration for how this new aliens should look like.
(That and the creatures in the ocean of course.. )
What a curious animal. I had no idea of its existence.
Thank you so much for sharing it.
My pleasure.
Nature is amazing.
And i love the fact that there is still so many new things to discover. :)
Looks awesome cute 😂
I look at this moth and I want it because it is so cute but I bet I'd be terrified if it was on me haha
yes, i guess that if one is not fascinated by insects in general they become a little more scary if they are flaffing around you with their wings and you dont have control of where they are going to land or do.. ;)
(i dont know if "flaffing" is a real word, but i like that word for small flying things anyway..) ;)
Haha, you're very close... "flapping" or "fluttering".
Yeah, I used to be absolutely fascinated with insects and collected butterfly taxidermy. I even got a moth tattoo!
But for some reason, having them flap in my face is a worrying thought!
haha thank you, flapping was probably the word i was looking for.. ;)
Quite interesting post...