Who Is Know?

in #nature7 years ago

Who is know this flower, long time iam loking his, i dont know what his name, i think his like roses, what about you? What your opinion? But i am just share this photo ,nothing to create i means write, because i am cannot write, and iam not writer

So , what about you about this flower, see , see , look ... fo you do flower? If you wnt , please comment in my post, so.. i am so sorry , couse my english very bad, and at paragraph in here or top, very bad..something wrong words...

Please , i hope u enjoy ..

The next post wanna to introduce use dtube...
See hello.with all youu


Pengambilan gambar menggunakan kamera biasa,, mudah-mudahan teman-teman suka, dan bisa membuat mata teman-teman bersinar melihat keindahan alam ciptaan Allah Swt.

>Taking pictures using ordinary cameras, hopefully friends like, and can make eyes of friends glowing at the beauty of nature created by Allah SWT.

>see enjoy it.


No body know...

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