You will not believe! Two leaves quench hunger.
In India, a plant under the local name "cheat stomach" grows. Having removed 1-2 leaves of a plant of calir-cand, a person feels satiety for a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients.
What can be sweeter than sugar?
The leaves of the Paraguayan bush of stevia are more than 300 times sweeter than sugar, and the leaves of Mexican sugar grass - 1000 times.
Fight for survival
The three-year scientific work of the University's biologists in Turin has shown that some of the plants - lima beans, corn and others, can "realize" the threat of life.
Unknown dahlia
In 1784 from Mexico to Spain were delivered tubers of dahlias, unprecedented until then.
Pines sterilize the air
One hectare of pine forest per day is able to release into the atmosphere about 5 kg of volatile phytocides, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air.
Not for every mind
The content of vitamin C walnut is 8 times greater than black currant and 50 times - citrus fruit. B group vitamins contained in them, contribute to the decomposition of pyruvic acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue.
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