How to turn an old empty courtyard into an OASIS of LIFE 🌱

in #nature β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

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We were sceptical when we first saw this place due to the high wall surrounding the courtyard but since then it has become our mission to make it look less like a prison yard and more like a home.

This is what it looked like when we arrived 6 weeks ago.


At one side of the courtyard the wall has been built around the rock of the mountain upon which we now live, which is great!


There are a few plant varieties living on the rock which we have been watering. One of which I am now eating in my smoothies! I'll save that story for another post.


Notice how there are small holes in the wall under the walkway.


Most of these holes have now been filled with colourful plants which don't mind the shade.


Mud has been jammed in with the succulents and in truth I am not 100% sure if it will stay there. Time will tell.


One of them has just started flowering which is always a good sign!


See that lovely green wall behind the plant?


That would be the rock wall we have been watering, which looks like this today.


We will have to give it a trim soon it's growing so fast!

There are many plants now on their way in small pots. Mostly bulbs.


The two circular soil areas have both now been filled. This is our herb garden next to the kitchen.


It is a mixture of many different herbs, strawberries & sunflowers which will tower above the rest.


This Jasmine is destined to climb its way up the wall of the house.


The hanging basket collection has begun but we still have far to go before the area above our heads is filled with colour and life.


The banana tree may look small now with its one leaf but I know how fast they grow once rooted and look forward to the plume of wind rustling green it will provide.


I realise it's not quite an oasis yet, but it's getting there! I will take another shot of the courtyard in a few months and you will see the transformation.

It isn't easy getting a group shot with all the family looking in the same direction at the same time. This is the best I could do today ;)

Photo on 18-04-2018 at 12.45 #4.jpg

Our love to you all from France!

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It always amazes me how plants will survive in the harshest of conditions

I agree. Many around here seem to enjoy out of the rock!

This is really wonderful! Have you tried only succulents or also other plants?
Just an idea: hang flowers in planters on the wall.

The succulents were gifts from a friend so these are the only ones so far. There are a few holes to fill though!

Great idea with planters on the wall. I think we are going to have a lot of fun with this old wall :)

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Looks like a great place for climbing clematis and roses too – maybe even planting them so they grow together like these:

This looks amazing with the varieties growing together. Many thanks for the idea!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Be sure to share the pictures when it grows in! If you want them to really pop, go for complementary colors. The second image employs the complementary colors from the blue family of hues and the orange family of hues. The second image employs the complementary colors from the blue family of hues and the orange family of hues. If you’re unsure what those are, check out my essay on color science:

WOW, even the banana tree: that's awesome!
Have the hosts been happy with the improvements?

Absolutely! We are renting from (and live underneath) the village Mayor. Which is kinda funny really as Sabrina & I have a particular smoking habit (for medicinal purposes of course!) which doesn't fit too well with the law abiding folk of France. But so far so good on not getting busted... haha I feel like a kid again ;)

I love what you are doing to the court tard. Soon it will look like the oasis you are hoping for. Can't wait to see that banana tree in a couple of months!

Me too! The second leaf just opened up today :)

Your new place looks very intriguing , built against a mountainside. It will come alive in no time and look lush and green. Enjoy! πŸ“πŸ“

It's pretty amazing being able to touch the side of the mountain in our little yard. The best view is on the other side of the house from my office. But now that it's getting warmer I tend to sit outside and brave the chaos of the whole family in the sun ;)

Looks to me like you will soon have some colorful shade to work in. Take care. πŸ“πŸ“

Love the little circular herb garden!

It's perfect hey! There were trees in there a few months ago but they decided to remove them. Probably for the best :)