Life seems so soothing when you come back home very tired after a week long trip and these two white lillies welcome you with a broad smile :). White looks so elegant. I am very fond of white as colour, but I avoid wearing whites. I get very uncomfortable when I or my family members wear white. May be that's because I fear that they would soil it and I would have to wash it :p .
White is the color of peace and I am a peace loving person (sometimes). I have seen many Lillie, but this white one is my personal favorite.
very beautiful flowers have attractive colors.
very beautiful flowers have attractive colors.
white in addition to identical with clean, white is also known as sacred, so many people who like white color
wow, very beautiful flowers. the white color that symbolizes the sacred heart.
very beautiful flowers brother. dazzling white color
Nature is so beautiful, such a lovely flowers. Some times a little things make us happy
Beautiful post..............
Beautiful post..............
Flower good brother
And post your good brother @samysamy
Very interesting post
I love it