There are 10 thousand trillion ants on the planet. Ant make up 15% of all terrestrial animal biomass. Just like human and bees, ant are capable of linguistic displacement, Allowing them to communicate about objects or events that are distant in space or time. Ants communicate and cooperate through the chemical called Pheromones. These chemical allows them to send simple message to their fellows.
Picture of ants
*A layer of hundreds of ants at the bottom of the raft serves as a base for the rest of the colony to mil around on. The ants' unsinkable raft is waterproof. It floats because of the ants' ability to repel water. Ants exoskeletons are naturally slightly hydrophobic. Ants can harnless the power of nearby air bubbles and use them like a group of hydrophobic devices. Each ants is also supported by the surface tension of the water.*
Trap-jaws ants uses the escape jump to avoid their predators. They use their powerful jaws to perform these jumps. The jaws open at 180 degrees before snapping shut at over 225kmh, These generates a powerful force that propels ants into the air. The other technique is called bouncer defense jump. The ants' trajectory is directed away from the threat, These jump takes place 2300 times faster than a blink of an eye.
Picture of trap jaws ant
>keep on steeming guys, The bright future is on the way. *Ants invented farming 60 million years ago. they also herd domesticate tiny insects called aphids. They move them to sweeter plants and protect them from predators. In exchange, the ants milk the aphids to obtain nutritious nectar or honey dew, which ants use as a source of food and medication.*

excellent post brother! 😉