I was out and about quite a bit today. We got a little bit of yard work done, got started on our Christmas decorations, and worked on a few other odds and ends around the house. After I had finished my honey-do list, I grabbed my camera and took a little walk.
I don't know why, but I've always enjoyed watching all of the tiny things in nature. It's just so interesting to watch these little creatures that we usually don't even notice as they go about their day. I didn't find a lot, today; however, I was able to capture a few shots of this spider as it worked its way through the moss on the side of a big oak tree.

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I wasn't sure what kind it was until I got a close up of his face.

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Notice those forward facing eyes. That is a pretty good indicator that this is a jumping spider. The next most obvious identifiable feature was the series of dots on the back of the abdomen. I'm pretty sure this spider is Hentzia mitrata.
It was a little bitty thing - maybe 5 mm long - and my macro lens adapter had a hard time getting up close and in focus. When I was going through my photos back in the house, I found this one. Technically, it is a pretty horrible shot, since I was aiming for the spider but completely missed. But, I really like the way the little saprophytes kind of hover over the moss.

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Today was the first time in months that I have taken my camera outside, and for a few minutes, it was fun letting everything in my world fade away and becoming a part of this little spider's tiny universe.
You should try it, some time.
What a cute little thing. I always oversee the little things and probably miss so much wonder in my life due to it :P