Thank you for talking about this. We need more like you to stand up and question the mainstream focus, which is seriously screwed up.
I think we really need to get away from the tendency to call serious critics of certain climate "change" theories outright "deniers" though. Using these smear terms only intensifies the divide, which is not currently between truth and falsity, but between two sides that tend to show an extreme bias that is not conductive to science.
I agree with you that climate "change" sceptics tend to ignore some independent and factual issues with polution. Myself I'm not entirely convinced by the current narrative supported by politicians and the public, but nonetheless I'm part of a cooperative-agorist movement that work to improve on society no matter what.
Polution is a problem with the most used energy sources we have today. This doesn't mean that we can automatically just switch over from the more polluting to all renewable and non-poluting, because we have to consider current economic factors. But a scenario with less polution would be ideal.
I also of course consider voluntary solutions to be far superior, not only in terms of protecting natural resources and industrial efficiency (which they tend to be), but ethically. Thankfully even several proponents of the narrative of climate change have agreed that the current move towards green energy is much more so driven by culture than by politics and we are now starting to see even some decentralized projects happening within the blockchain sector.
Great response. Thank you. And yes, nice point.. i didnt really consider that the term Climate Change Denier is actually not very clean!
Thank you. I mean it's incredibly hard not to get sucked into the current trends in use of language. These terms spread fast when the majority just soaks up whatever terms the media centers use and it takes time for sensible people to actually consider whether they are good or not.
The divide over climate change tend to be similar to the Trump divide, in so far as both sides contains so much madness they can motivate the other side for decades. I think if I hadn't come from a far left ideological stand point and made a very challenging transition to be extremely pro-capitalist (not the fascist right), then I would've never questioned the term, but thanks to this experience I tend to be very analytical and many times sceptical when new "facts" or terms get introduced by respected influencers.
(That's not to suggest that I don't make mistakes of course. I make a ton of them. But a lot of people never go back to correct their mistakes, because they trust that their high intelligence is given by their luck of growing up and merely existing in an enviroment with the right principles.)