Cute little head and big body ~ the rock sausage

in #nature7 years ago

Weddell Seals are awesome - they are adorable Little Rock sausages. I use the term Rock Sausage as a term of endearment, as I do love encountering these fellows around the Antarctic Peninsula. The reason for that adorable nickname is when you do encounter them on the ice or land they literally look like a rock - a big blubbery rock!

However, they are nothing short of remarkable. These incredible animals will live close to the continent of Antarctica year-round. Let me repeat that YEAR -ROUND!. Allow me to explain, during the winter months its practically only night time constantly and they have measured temperatures dropping to as low as -89 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, the sea ice forms around the continent too extending out to 100's of miles, which is another challenge these animals have to overcome. They maintain little cracks in the ice using their teeth so that they can continue to hunt and forage to the depths whilst in the winter season.

The breathing hole itself will resemble that of a man hole that we see on our streets - a small circular hole, which is made by them opening their jaws and spinning around creating that shape.


A young male weddell seal napping/yawning on some sea ice during the summer months. Showing his teeth that he will use to maintain his breathing hole throughout the cold, winter months.
Click image to view full size.

Thanks for reading and all the support, Steemit!!

All stories & photographs are of my own work unless noted under the picture in question.

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Seals seem like the most chill predators in the world!

I recently was in the Zoo myself and had the opportunity to watch them to be fed!
This was really lovely to see.
They are really cute.
All the best!Hey @thomasjmitchell,


that is a nice photo of a harbour seal from the looks of it. great shot

Yes, you are right- it's a harbour seal :)

Life is amazing. What creatures will do to maintain themselves in an environment as harsh as this ice desert is incredible! I am constantly in awe of mother nature and never get bored of her marvels.

Keep up the interesting and fantastic posts mate, they are just the COOLEST!

This creature is amazing, am heading to go follow you on IG for more amazing photos from you

Weddell Seals, wow I haven't heard of it before. The really got small head and large bodyimages-4.jpg
I just googled about them now, they are really cute especially this next picture , I love their eyesimages-3.jpg

Basically what I look like when I sleep on my girlfriends lap & she feeds me nachos
Nice post. Here's an upvote

Fantastic photo :)

good post. I am more motivated to work like you @thomasjmitchell

I always see innocence and sweetness in these creatures. Interesting information. Keep sharing. Thanks.

Haha seals are adorable and funny looking at the same time!

Holy! I always assumed they migrated! What crazy buggers!! I wonder if most of them die when their teeth get too dull to make the holes or do they borrow other breathing holes from other seals??