There are lots of different aspects of wildlife tourism and things like zoos that went unmentioned in this post, and I'm sure I could write lots of posts on this subject. It's a really interesting topic, and what's great is that everyone has their own opinions, so there tend to be a lot of good debate. Anyway, I definitely agree that wildlife tourism is much better than zoos for the animals.
Like you mention, the sharks probably does not care about the cage. In fact they probably get fed, which is why they are attracted to the area in the first place.
although I'm not certain that shark poaching is a common issue.....but defiantly for one of the other sea creatures
Actually, the killing of sharks is a huge threat to their survival, because shark fins are extremely valuable and sought after in the Asian markets. Fishermen tend to illegally fish fish, cut of the fins and toss the shark back in the water again, where it will slowly die since it cannot breathe without moving. It's actually very morbid and brutal!
And thanks for leaving a good comment, @thegreatlife!
Yikes, I wasn't aware of the fins. It's probably for a flimsy reason like why a lot of people want elephant tucks and so forth... magical remedy and such...well, elephant parts have real utility...but you know what I mean.. People are probably selling them and buying them for reasons that don't even make sense (not that I agree with those type of sales happening under any circumstances.) Good post, and of course! I enjoy reading about the kind of things you address in these articles. Very professional and educational.
Yeah, you're completely right. It's believed to cure cancer or something like that in China, so everyone wants it. It is also a symbol of wealth, so people will go and eat very expensive (and apparently pretty tasteless) shark fin soup to get healthy and show off their money.