Thanks for adding even more information about this, @thegreatlife! This is a really interesting topic, and I must sadly admit that I don't think I have the knowledge to be able to make a good post about the topic you suggest. The only fields I have experience in is ecology, microbiology, conservation biology, and some genetics, so I feel like this is a bit out of my comfort zone. But I might look into it when I have some spare time to see if I'm able to wrap my head around it.
And again, thanks for leaving great comments!
Glad to be a help. I am always listening to audio books on this kind of stuff and I read in my spare time. I'm very interested about about different animals and their place in the world. I'm especially interested in dolphins and their communication systems. Sometime in the future, I'll make a post about either prairie-dog communication, or dolphin interaction. I bet you'd get a kick out of it.
The topic of how animals communicate is actually really interesting, so I'm looking forward to seeing your post about it! There are so many different forms of communication, and many species have solved the "communication problem" differently.