Dear steemians! I'm devastated! 😓 McDonalds wants to destroy this beautiful place and build one of their disgusting restaurants there! 😡 What can I do to stop them?!

in #nature7 years ago


I'm talking about a small forest only a few minutes away from where I live. In winter it's not that beautiful of course, but in summer this small piece of nature is absolutely amazing. It's full of blooming flowers, butterflies, many other insects and there's also a deer population. Flora and fauna at its best, which has become really rare in Vienna...


For obvious reasons, I never liked McDonalds. Not only because I'm vegan and they sell meat burgers for 1 euro, also because I study nutrition sciences and know what damages their crappy food can cause. And now they want to clear the forest right next to my place to build another one of their shitty restaurants!! 😡😡

Do you think there's anything I could do to stop them??
I mean.. they haven't started yet.. as an abutting owner I should have the right to protest, shouldn't I? 😔 Please let me know if you have any ideas!

Thanks, Chris


Ohh noo! Never liked them either... also not only because I am vegan but common their buns don't get mold on them even after a year! Yikes! Hope you find a way to stop them.

that is a serious issue. I will share this on twitter. hope it helps. Also, resteeming it so that others in your area can help. Why dont local people protest against it by complaining to the police?

Thank you so much! Well.. you know what.. and this is what literally drives me crazy.. most of my neighbours are happy that there's gonna be a McDonalds restaurant right across the street.. the people here in Austria don't give a shit about nature, the environment, the planet,... That's sad, isn't it?!
Thanks for sharing, I appreciate that!

oh dear. I hope that someone does something to stop this. It is said that for one of these shops, 4 health clinics rise and that is the extent of damage to health. Wish people realised it

Dang! I've never liked what fast foods are doing, in fact, I've never gone into a McDonald's besides one time when I was drunk and had to use the toilet. Good luck with those bastards.

That's good! I used to go there back when I was a teenager... pretty stupid right? Thanks a lot, it's a struggle but I won't give up :-)

This is horrible for you and indeed for all those who eat there and make themselves ill, whilst destroying the planet. will resteem this. noone is making a campaign about it where you live?

Thank you so much! No, my neighbors are actually happy about this.. So sad!

Hi @vegan-vienna, i noticed this post and i just wanted to inform u that mcdonalds also are launching vegan bugers, but there is nothing vegan about mcd's trust me. and its disgusting they want to build on that beautiful land but what is worse is how much forest is being destroyed in amazon to grow soy to feed the cows all over the world for their burgers. check this article out on mcd's vegan burger!

Thank you! I just had a look at your article.. Really good 👍
Of course I'm not gonna eat this burger, I wouldn't even use their toilet. Thinking that there might be one of their restaurants right in front where I live makes me sick!

u need to get the community together! u need to go to the council, u need to find loop holes anything. to make that nature area protected. maybe its an important natural area for children, i dont know what angle u can get them but everyone knows mcd's is on the way out, they are clinging on to a future that isn't there. the fact they have t make a vegan burger shows that they r loosing customers, they are not trending and theres no way this business is actually profitable (its all an illusions) and these are illusions are starting to crumble away now. I can't believe it is near where u live, id be horrified because it stinks! maybe there is somehow u can get them on that. I REALLY HOPE IT DOESNT HAPPEN!

In Deutschland wird ja gern mal ein Bauprojekt blockiert, weil irgendwelche seltenen Tiere (Insekten eingeschlossen) oder Pflanzen dort gefunden wurden (vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschlands z.B.). Ich nehme an, eine solche Evaluierung hat hier stattgefunden - bei kleinen Bauvorhaben bekommt man das ja nicht mit.
Könntest Du es denn eher akzeptieren, wenn dort Wohnhäuser gebaut würden?

Ich weiß, ist hier eigentlich auch so.. Anscheinend lebt dort nichts das vom aussterben bedroht ist. Und Bäume sind anscheinend, obwohl sie den Sauerstoff produzieren den wir zum Leben brauchen, nicht wichtig genug 😑☹️
McDonalds ist in meinen Augen einer der schrecklichsten Konzerne überhaupt, es würde mir auch weh tun wenn sie dort Wohnhäuser hinbauen würden, wäre mir aber dennoch definitiv lieber.