Currently Happening In My Garden
I captured photos of all of these birds eating Black Oil Sunflower seeds from my feeder.
Blue Jay
Rosy Finches
Not many butterflies visiting my flowers yet, so I have to snap photos of birds.
Have a Blessed Day!
May 27, 2018
All originals photographed on my Canon PowerShot
These are beautiful pictures. I can see that you did have a blessed Sunday. Migratory birds are coming through Korea these days but I haven't managed to get a picture. Asian birds are a little different. I see a lot of woodpeckers and magpie and swallows. I can't wait to the sit still for a minute. Maybe I should get some sesame seeds. Looking at your pictures makes me a little homesick.... ha ha
P.S. I like the title... birds and droppings go together.
Haha, didn’t even think about the title of the post being interpreted another way! 😂
Wow God supplying their needs but seems I need some wings now because I also need some break fast.
Oh yeah they love those black sunflower seeds! I got a song sparrow that comes back to my tree every year. He is the noisiest bird EVER! LOL. I did a little vid of his call if you want to see it lol.
Very cool!
Hahahaha wow your camera must have been well hidden if not the birds would have been scared and flew off, wow it's amazing, love to have a home as yours
Well, I have a great zoom on my camera, but I was sitting very still at my outside table under the tree waiting to snap some photos! :) I wish they were better photos - the light was not exactly right! Glad you like them.
😀 I can excuse the resolution really, it's because of the zoom that's why, and the mode too, still perfect anyway
This pictures are so good! Thanks for sharing this beauties pictures! Have a wonderful night ♥
nice bird
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