Orange Dragonfly, Turk's Cap and Caterpillar

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Currently Happening In My Garden


Beautiful Orange Dragonfly


This Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar on a passion vine leaf is about the right size to crawl off and form its chrysalis!



My Turks Cap is starting to bloom!


Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus drummondii) is an important plant for hummingbirds and their fall migration!
Butterflies and bees also love this native perennial to Texas.
Its flowers are reminiscent of a Turk’s turban, so that's how it got its common name.

Turk's Cap is also know as Drummond Wax-mallow, Texas Mallow, Mexican Apple, Red Mallow, May Apple, Wild Turk's Cap or Bleeding Heart in other places where it grows.
It ranges from the East and North Texas, The Texas Coastal Plain, east to Florida and also to the West Indies, Mexico and Cuba.

Have a Blessed Day!


July 7, 2018
All original photos taken by me


nature is at it's finest when you click your camera, amazing red budding over there, did you get very close to the caterpillar and the dragon fly when you took the picture?

Yes, I was about 2 feet away from the dragonfly and about 1 foot away from the caterpillar. I snapped the photo of the dragonfly in a hurry, because they usually don't stick around. The caterpillar was so busy eating that it didn't care how close I got!!

Hahahaha you're right the dragonfly are always too fast, it's really amazing you got to take a quick snap.

I really appreciate your work because you really capture the beauty of nature so beautifully and in previous post also you shared an creature on the leaves and it was also breathtaking to watch, and in my opinion you are more explorative towards the nature.

And you captured your garden like an movie and that is adorable to watch and also breathtaking to watch. And i personally have many memories associated with dragonflies in childhood but now we don't have opportunity see in our location.

And those flowers are so bright and strong and that is because of RED colour. And that creature which is stick to leaf is reflecting as an great relationship between nature and it's creatures.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I love dragon flies. They are not out yet in Korea because of the storms but they will be out soon.

I like the way the orange patterns match ^^


I've been on the road all Saturday.

Yes, I realized I had lots of orange!

You have a gorgeous variety insects and plants in Texas.

Yes, we do!

You have captured so many beautiful shots here! I don't have much luck with anything that flies.

Wonderful dragonfly and caterpillar shots @violetmed and I was interested in your Turk's Cap photos. I don't think I've seen them before but they look a little like hibiscus but a smaller version.

@violetmed its very nice to see that gardening and loving nature that also from a math teacher please keep sharing. stay connnected

our earth is beautyful

Great choice! You have an interesting garden that has a lot of interesting.

I remember my childhood ..old house,s gardens and summer days. by watching dragonfly in the garden.


I am not an expert but the clicks which you have made are fabulous, really love to see every shot.

Thank you!

That dragonfly looks awesome! :)

Awesome captured from @violetmed... you took great shots especially of that dragonfly.

Which camera you took those images from @violetmed

@moneyguruu, I took these particular photos with my iPhone 8 Plus. It has a great camera!

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