Hi Sam, the monarchs have declined over the years but they seem to have made a small comeback from what I have read. The monarchs need more milkweed to lay their eggs all they way from Texas and up to the northern states. The farmers started destroying a lot of the milkweed several years ago. Anyway more people are planting milkweed in their yards and also nature preserves are planting it. Mexico also has do to do it's part and not let the forests where the monarchs overwinter be destroyed.
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I see. Is it still/was it ever true that there is only one cave in Mexico that all the monarchs ( or at least the vast majority) from the western hemisphere mate in?
No, someone gave you incorrect information about a cave. They migrate to specific mountains in Mexico and overwinter. Some just migrate to southern CA. The butterflies just come out of the hibernation stage in early spring and find a mate. The male monarchs pretty much just die and the females make their way north to find milkweed to lay their eggs on and then they die.