Buds swollen on the trees. Soon, some of it will be beautiful flowers, and the remaining forms of leaves, emerald green color which cheer the eye with its freshness.
Бруньки набубнявіли на деревах. Незабаром деякі з них стануть прекрасними квітами, а решта утворить листя, смарагдовий колір якого тішитиме око своєю свіжістю.
Beauty in a small part of life. Great photos!
Wonderful. Full of life-power ready to break free :)
Thus, only the temperature will rise a few degrees, all around change drastically within a few days.
Nice close-ups with an actual proper focus. You don't always see that here!
nice post about the meaning of life
We sometimes do not notice the change until take a long time