Morning photo made on the way to work. Today was a beautiful and sunny weather and blue sky contrasts favorably with the bright colors of flowers.
Вранішнє фото, зроблене по дорозі на роботу. Сьогодні була чудова і сонячна погода, а синє небо вигідно контрастує із світлим кольором квітів.
Great shots! Beautiful photos
thank you very much!
So colourful...
I just voted you.
Білий поза конкуренцією!
о так, в colorhallenge участі не бере
На жаль :)
that's a type of viburnum. I LOVE viburnums!
Maybe it's something with of this family , but it is definitely not the viburnum
There are many types of viburnum. It is a European opulus "roseum". The big 'tell' are the maple leaf shaped leaves and the pompom flowers
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused, thank you for the information :)
You're welcome :-) (and sorry if I came off as a know-it-all...)
all right, it's wonderful when people can share some useful knowledge