Found another interesting critter! Did I post this one already? I hope not...
This one was found on the window of my nucleo community house at Damanhur. It was a super hot day in northern Italy (between Turin and Milan) and he was hanging out. My friend thinks it is Barbitistes, but can't decide if it is Barbitistes serricauda or Barbitistes obtusus. I tried to look them up, but there is not much information. Wikipedia puts the common name at Southern Saw-tailed Bush-cricket or Alpine Saw Bush-cricket. We are definitely at the foot of the Alps, so that would make sense.
What do you think?
Such a beautiful critter. I would go with Barbitistes obtusus. And it looks like you photographed a handsome male. 🙂
I think so, too, only that the Wikipedia for Barbitistes serricauda also has similar pictures. I tried to find a website that would show me the two side-by-side, but no luck. There are so many insects in the world that it is hard to get a good description without diving into scientific papers.
Indeed, most of the photos found on web seem to be of the same specie. However, I found a german website ( where the Barbitistes crickets are very detailed presented. Not the photos but the information. Reading the articles, I really believe we have a Barbitistes obtusus. Serricauda is kind of hard to find so close to civilization.
This is why it is always important to check in all the languages you can! I often check websites in three or four languages when I am doing research. Thanks for the reminder!