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RE: WATER WEDNESDAY NATURE PHOTO CONTEST IS OPEN! Share your photos of water in nature in any shape or form!

Photo 13-12-2016, 12 25 29 AM.jpg

Walking through the sand of that beach was nice, but the way the waves were breaking on the cliffs was so harsh, that we didn't even think about taking a bath.

One of our dogs started running up the dunes though, and we thought she had seen something to chase. We went after her, climbing up the gradient and steady hill towards the back of that virgin beach. We climbed a couple of rocks, and followed her through some very impressive twists in the given and washed out pathway. We arrived at the end of the rockiest part of the beach, only a few seconds before she jumped into a pond of salty water, deep and wide like a lake. The water was low, and we could see the color of the rocks surrounding us.

In a strange way, we felt small and insignificant, and protected at the same time. Finally, we had found the way to enjoy a piece of nature that was left alone for the most part. Clean and peaceful. And when we left, the world was not the same anymore.


Thank you for your submission!