Beautiful Lake and Mountain Landscape in Austria

One of the most beautiful lakes in Austria in my opinion is the "Schiederweiher" near Hinterstoder in Upper Austria. It has a very nice and clear green color and the Mountain landscape that surrounds the lake is stunning. In the back you can see the "Großer Priel" Mountain with the nice snow that is still covering the peaks in April when these pictures were taken. Since this lake was part of a TV Show "Neun Plätze Neun Schätze" in Austria where it was voted to one of the nine most beautiful spots in Austria it is pretty popular among Austrians and on beautiful summer days you may encounter a lot of visitors there. During spring time I really like the view with the snowy mountain tops in the background.

The more or less easy walking routes there at the lake are perfect for families and during a nice day there are a lot of visitors that want to enjoy this beauty there. So on sunny day's it is not so easy to get some pictures without people in the frame.

Popular view of the Schiederweiher with the "Großer Priel" in the Background. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usedLee 10 Stops
Exposure Time30 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length25 mm
Time02:25 pm

Beautiful mountain landscape with the lake in the foreground. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/2000 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length50 mm
Time02:47 pm

I really like the clear green color of the water there. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/2000 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length50 mm
Time02:27 pm