Crisis In the Ukraine - Andrei Martyanov, #433
Guns and Butter
Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov, discusses the dangerous April standoff between Kiev and Moscow and its implications for US/Russian relations; Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky; new Russian weapons; US deployment to the Black Sea cancelled; Russia’s geopolitical, cultural and economic departure from the West; Russian Constitution; US goes to DEFCON 3; a coercion to peace; Russia discards Western payment systems; Russia’s view of the Ukraine; both Biden and Nuland involved in 2014 Ukrainian coup, both are back in power; alliance between Russia and China; scale of US deficiency v Russian firepower; US military nuclear-bias; crisis of financial predatory capitalism; global tectonic change taking place; Martyanov’s blog at
Andrei Martyanov - War In Ukraine: Geopolitical and Economic Fallout, #442
Guns and Butter
Andrei Martyanov enumerates the issues leading up to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, especially the provocations on the Donbass region under escalating Ukrainian and Azov military attack since 2014; Kiev’s announced intention to become a nuclear power and join NATO. Russia’s recognition of the two Donbass republics led to the retaliatory shutdown of the Nordstream 2 LNG pipeline and will eventually cripple German industry; Europe separated economically from Russia; refugee surge into Russia; Ukrainian forces destroyed; parallel military structure in Ukraine; historical background of the current conflict; Russia’s aims in Ukraine; war is with the West; comparison of US and Russian military forces; western media leaving Russia; dueling nationalization of assets; energy price inflation; SWIFT International Payments System; de-dollarization of global economy; worldwide geopolitical realignment.
Deep State versus Patriots: Clash In Russia, China and USA - Matthew Ehret, #443
Guns and Butter
Historian and Journalist, Matthew Ehret, gives us his take on the geopolitical and economic struggle between east and west that has erupted into open military warfare in Ukraine. The great global reset dystopia, as envisioned by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, will not ultimately prevail in his view, as he sees a multi-polar world emerging. The western financial system is set to self-destruct, and the big question is what will take its place, as we will have a new system. China and Russia are discussed, with an emphasis on western infiltration into both countries, as well as remarkable events beginning in January 2020. Energy policy, in terms of the energy requirements of industrial society, is examined.
Crisis In the Ukraine - Andrei Martyanov, #433
Guns and Butter
Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov, discusses the dangerous April standoff between Kiev and Moscow and its implications for US/Russian relations; Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky; new Russian weapons; US deployment to the Black Sea cancelled; Russia’s geopolitical, cultural and economic departure from the West; Russian Constitution; US goes to DEFCON 3; a coercion to peace; Russia discards Western payment systems; Russia’s view of the Ukraine; both Biden and Nuland involved in 2014 Ukrainian coup, both are back in power; alliance between Russia and China; scale of US deficiency v Russian firepower; US military nuclear-bias; crisis of financial predatory capitalism; global tectonic change taking place; Martyanov’s blog at
Aired: April 21, 2021
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Andrei Martyanov - War In Ukraine: Geopolitical and Economic Fallout, #442
Guns and Butter
Andrei Martyanov enumerates the issues leading up to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, especially the provocations on the Donbass region under escalating Ukrainian and Azov military attack since 2014; Kiev’s announced intention to become a nuclear power and join NATO. Russia’s recognition of the two Donbass republics led to the retaliatory shutdown of the Nordstream 2 LNG pipeline and will eventually cripple German industry; Europe separated economically from Russia; refugee surge into Russia; Ukrainian forces destroyed; parallel military structure in Ukraine; historical background of the current conflict; Russia’s aims in Ukraine; war is with the West; comparison of US and Russian military forces; western media leaving Russia; dueling nationalization of assets; energy price inflation; SWIFT International Payments System; de-dollarization of global economy; worldwide geopolitical realignment.
Aired: March 9, 2022
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Deep State versus Patriots: Clash In Russia, China and USA - Matthew Ehret, #443
Guns and Butter
Historian and Journalist, Matthew Ehret, gives us his take on the geopolitical and economic struggle between east and west that has erupted into open military warfare in Ukraine. The great global reset dystopia, as envisioned by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, will not ultimately prevail in his view, as he sees a multi-polar world emerging. The western financial system is set to self-destruct, and the big question is what will take its place, as we will have a new system. China and Russia are discussed, with an emphasis on western infiltration into both countries, as well as remarkable events beginning in January 2020. Energy policy, in terms of the energy requirements of industrial society, is examined.
Aired: May 6, 2022