I've heard many people in Australia are having problems switching to the NBN, but it's worked out well for me so far. I just made the switch this morning and I've seen a notable boost in download speed and a massive increase in upload speed.

If you're not from Australia, you can learn more about the NBN here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Broadband_Network. Basically, it's a very expensive rollout of fiber optic internet service which should be finished just in time to be completely outdated.
In other news...
I tried to post this as a #zappl but I can't seem to create a zap. I've logged in at zappl.com with my posting key and my profile is showing up, but every time I try to post, nothing happens. Has anyone else had a similar problem?

Jason Staggers

I'mn guessing you got the 100mb plan.. I think most people that complain about it is that because they purchased the low or mid plan.
And Zappl is I think still in the works..
Indeed, I did upgrade because the mid-plan would not give me the speeds I was already getting, which was in the 60 to 70mb range. I've also heard a lot of people complaining because they're not even getting a connection without a few days back and forth with tech support.
I do see some people posting successful zappl posts so not sure what's up with mine. Perhaps it's not connected through my posting key correctly. I've tried to log out and back in a few times but no luck.
How were you getting over 60 on ADSL?
Doesn't it max out at 20-24?
It was cable, not ADSL - should have specified that. I'm sure at some peak times it wasn't over 60.
Was wondering what tech you were previously on, as 60+ certainly isn't ADSL of any sort. Depending on where I've been living it's been anywhere from 8 - 18 most of the time for me on ADSL2+. Currently 15ms ping (which is great!) and 14.55 down/0.83 up. Which looks pretty much like a normal connection. I'd love going to even 50 down, but not available here yet...
Yeah, I don't think I'll notice much change between 90 and 60 down. I could already easily stream HD which is about all I care about. But the up increase will make a huge difference. No matter - I'm sure Elon Musk will have us all on 100+ wirelessly within a few more years :)
Also important to note that on 2.4GHz I'm not getting anywhere near those speeds. The 90+ down is on the 5GHz band.
Hello friend @jasonstaggers, I do not know the zappl.com, otherwise, I would help with my opinion, here in my country the navigation is slow and we have had many problems to access the pages. Hopefully and will have NBN.
I'm guessing you got FTTP?
If I didn't I'll be pissed because WTF is the point of NBN without FTTP! :)
Don't get me started.. I recently got FTTN and it's worse then ADSL at peak times, but it's great when I'm not home!
Ha! I thought that was the point of NBN, that area traffic didn't impact speed. How well, Elon Musk will be delivering high speed wireless to the entire planet via satellites in a few years and our politicians will all look like idiots for spending so much money on a soon to be antiquated technology.