At what age did you have your first kiss?
- I had my first kiss at age 16
What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
- lol..I got a red pencil from my first boyfreind during was fucking happy then..but come to think of it now,the next time I set my eyes on him..will give him 3slaps for getting me that as a valentine gift.
What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.
- wow this is an expensive question..the most expensive gift have ever received is from @destinysaid...he gave me hope when I tought I had no use on steemit..
Ladies: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
Guys: Which would you rather go without? A comb or a wristwatch?
- I think make up because I use it occasionally...I don't buy the idea of people getting shocked at the first glance of my real face
Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
- first and foremost he must be cute,tall,responsible,caring...having all this qualities and he doesn't know how to satisfy me on bed is a he must also know how to fuck me hard
What would you do with one million naira.
- right now I would call destinysaid and ask for any investment I can do on steemit
Would you love to get married to a virgin?
- hell no..can't afford to start teaching my man how to make love to the fullest because I don't know how he wants to know different styles during sex if hes gonna be a virgin
Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.
- lol..guys: camzy,destinysaid,samminator
- girls: mimy,adeolly-angel,suzzy
Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.
*Reading the bible and prayer to God should come before bed , then you can suck the one you love and arouse the urge for sex
What virtue do you think is your greatest?
- i will say my heart filled with always happy when I know am in love
One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1
- being sincere is just the best attribute you can ever least this truth contest helps to get an atom of truth from us are rilly humanitarian @mimy
Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRONT BACK AND CENTER
*it involves answering questions that would make people know interesting facts aboutyou and even
I knew it