@ned you are so full of horsefeathers and here is why...

in #ned7 years ago (edited)


Ned's comment is from the following post where Dan Larimer provides an update on EOS development progress


Steem is FLAWED! Perhaps terminally so. The token distribution and the reputation system have proven to be catastrophic. Dan is doing what he does best, attempting to improve upon what has come before, innovating. What have you done to address these flaws @ned? Where is the urgent solution to abuse of the Steem inflation? Why are you obsessing about SMT's when so much more could have been done? SMT's are not the solution to Steem's fundamental flaws. They seem more like an ego-driven attempt to stay relevant in an evolving market.

Steem can survive and perhaps thrive, but most likely only if the distribution is remedied. Why don't you give Steemit's SP to the community. Use it to support those who will fight abuse according to community derived standards. Use it to massively scale up positive curation for multiple communities and types of content.

Your downvote of Dan's post, followed by your initial comment "downvoted for aggrandizement," upvoted to thousands in rewards was ridiculous behaviour anyway you cut it. Following the community response, you make an edit which makes absolutely no sense, being so full of contradiction.

You mention the Streisand Effect.....

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased. Wikipedia

Let me get this right. You expect people to believe that you intentionally wanted to produce the Streisand Effect, drawing more attention to Dan's development efforts, but only because you think he's building EOS "expressly to create a competitor to Steem?" What's more, your attempt to censor, bogus comment and ludicrous self-upvote were an attempt to make Dan reveal some kind of hidden, seedy agenda to subvert the minds of Steemians away from Steem towards EOS.

Are you ******* kidding me?!

If that was your strategy, I hope everyone can see it for the childish, contradictory, desperate, egomania it represents. I don't believe you had a strategy at all. I believe your reaction to Dan's post, the comment, the up-voting and edit are purely reactionary and yet more examples of your poor judgement and lack of focus.

You mention caring, possibly too much. I believe you care ned, but because you feel under pressure, you are not thinking or acting clearly.

Please, stop the combative attitude towards EOS and Dan, the co-founder of this incredible platform who GAVE YOU THE KEYS AND CUSTODIANSHIP OF WHAT REMAINS ARGUABLY THE MOST POWERFUL DAPP IN EXISTENCE.

Focus on the true issues facing Steem and it's long-term viability. Steem, EOS, some other blockchain.....what matters is that something does the job and for a very long time to come! Steem can be saved, but the solutions require sacrifice and hard bloody work. If Steem's issues can be addressed, it has such potential, it can work besides EOS and whatever is launched on it.


We can all be a part of all of it.

By the way, do you hold much EOS?

Happy Steeming



Base on my observation, there is no STEEM vs EOS... But I need to study more about this. I will take advantage of all of this, I will use it for the charity work...

I think you are vastly overlooking smart media tokens and exaggerating Steemit's flaws. There is nothing 'catastrophic' about any aspect of this website or the Steem blockchain - in fact it's probably the best social media platform in the world.

I also don't think Steemit needs 'saving'. It's doing pretty damn well.

Ok. I think the thousands of people who have left steem, divested their steem are struggling to get quality posts recognised and are sickened by the daily, blatant reward pool rape will disagree.

I think if you could acknowledge that things are nowhere near perfect and that we can do better, thereby improving steem's chances against competition and improving the situation for thousands of existing and potential future steemians, then we might quibble over the degree of severity.

I'm not saying Steem or Steemit aren't a marvel in places, but anyone with a grasp of the reality of the economic incentives at play here and the degree of exploitation, would not so casually cast aside a call to action that would benefit everyone bar those with exploitation in mind.

Out of interest, what makes you think that SMT's will help a desperately flawed and unstable economic model? Surely they will only add complexity and add to the issues.

Do you have citation on thousands of users leaving Steemit, because to my knowledge the platform has never been bigger and continues to grow, with several well-respected alt-media journalists recently making the switch.

By its very nature, Steemit is not exploitative. Everyone who uses this platform does so voluntary; no one is forced to use Steemit against their will and can leave anytime.

I'm not sure why you think Steem's current model is 'desperately flawed'. Again, I think you're wildly over-exaggerating.

The fact that people can get paid any money at all for uploading content to social media makes Steemit revolutionary.

If EOS does something better, I'll use that platform, too.

Let me get this right...

because there is a net gain in people joining, we shouldn't worry about anyone who left or who may be put off in the future?

Because there is nothing better today, we shouldn't worry about how steem operates today?

Because there is nothing better, we shouldn't acknowledge those who might be better served and who want to be better served by this network within this community? They should just be grateful?

The fact that you can't see the flaws and are apparently not interested in addressing them leaves me at somewhat of a loss.

I appreciate the discussion but to me the issues are so obvious, I think it would be better if you discovered them for yourself and then we can discuss notions of severity.

All the best bud.

You said Steemit needs 'saving', as if it was some kind of sinking ship. I assume your problems are with flagging, Ned's holdings and other things such as the poor UI. Steemit is currently in BETA, for a start, which means the project hasn't even fully launched.

I'm aware of the flaws, I just think using terms like 'catastrophic' and 'saving' is premature.


I did not referring to anything you just mentioned, only token distribution and reputation. Both are widely acknowledged to be highly flawed and have created multiple damaging effects. Please, you need to do some research. Understand that my warnings are for the benefit of the community. I believe a lot can be done to remedy the situation that is in keeping with the original white paper and purpose of both Steem, Steemit and the steemit account. The improvements I have suggested would benefit everyone interested in the success and longevity of steem.

Could you link me to some blog(s) on token distribution and reputation? I'd like to have a read. Cheers.

Wow I couldn't have said it better @benjojo, the feud between the two is just purely competition driven and they are overlooking the greater goal by doing so, especially @ned. If they work together they could achieve so much more. There is no steem vs EOS.. Because we the steemians don't see it that way. Investments, lives, hopes, dreams are what we stake here, we don't need this kind of uproar, especially at a moment like this. @dee-y over and out.

...and again: You are speaking my mind! I couldn´t say it better!

I really appreciate the support. Thank you.

I was thinking the same thing in my post yesterday: SteemShip Navigation - The Way Forward - Don't Depend on the Profit Motive and Sacrifice a Superior Social Experience, that Steemit is vulnerable to something coming along in social media that works better for the user, and also provides the financial incentives. I wasn't thinking @dan would be the one to do it, but perhaps that is his game plan. I know that @dan wants to develop and use Smart Media Tokens and Steemit was just a sort of proof-of-concept. So there's nothing to prevent him from hiring some social media experts to create a better platform and use that to showcase SMT's. It wouldn't be hard to hire a hundred developers to come up with something that works better. @ned and Steemit Inc. seem to be sitting on their thumbs when it comes to developing this thing. Geez, I'm still having to manually drop brackets in to have a hyperlink. Unexcusable with a ~$300 Million stake in SteemPower.

tnx for steem have a nice day

We are ONE, yeah!


Well spoken brother! Everything said! 100% appreciation!

Holy Molly!
I couldn't agree more.
Highly rEsteemed!

I actually like to see these fights. It's the only time we get any work out of @ned on SteemIt. How else am I supposed to find out what he does around here? Follow him on Twitter? LOL!

That made me laugh sir 😂

I agree with you @benjojo... I hope @ned can share and delegate his steem power to the person like us? especially to the person like me who's always working for charity...

25% to 40% of my earnings always to charity work... And sometimes, 75% of my earn belongs to charity work!

It is hard to bring back the people to use steemit again. Why? Because even though they make a quality post, they don't have upvote and comment...

There is a lot we can try to do better.

Sad to read that competition is considered subversive.