Most of the money being generated feeds bots and fake accounts Ned and Dan control.
The few honest accounts getting paid are crumbs
This coin completely manipulated by two lying assholes.
Most of the money being generated feeds bots and fake accounts Ned and Dan control.
The few honest accounts getting paid are crumbs
This coin completely manipulated by two lying assholes.
Ain't that the truth, I been beating that drum for more than a year.
Well, I don't know why I am allowed the rewards I have gotten.
Maybe I am the example they point to when they get accused of censoring content.
Maybe, if you had come in and built a following before launching on them they wouldn't have wiped you out.
Maybe, they wiped you out hoping you would take some of that outside money and invest in some sp.
I do know that they have a pretty good intelligence system that lets them know when somebody is making waves.
They may not be voting my content, but I guarantee that they hear of what I say,...if they don't read it, themselves.
Come on in, get to know some folks, put out some content support by facts, and you can get all that back, with no problems.