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RE: Ned on SBD: "Does the community want to continue to be paid out in Steem Dollars?"

in #ned8 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I don't know why but I always had this idea that the SBD interest incentive would bring in many investors and thus create demand for steem. I was wrong I totally forgot that they could directly buy SBD on the market instead of steem so SBD doesn't really offer any benefits for steem/ SP holders does it?
If the answer is no then it's a no brainer to remove SBD entirely.
Users who invest in steem can deal with the fluctuation, this is to be expected. And I don't think users who earn steem by blogging would be really bothered with slight price movement.
It looks like SBD owners would create debt whether they sell or not, when they sell more steem are created and when they don't the interest they receive from not selling would also mean new steem were created, how does the system keep the debt in check ? Seems like SBD is creating constant inflation is that right?
It make sense to get rid of SBD I think.