As one of my daughter's apron became too small, I made a new one with leftover fabric, which I used to sew my jeans last summer.
I copied the pattern from her other apron that fits to her ... excuse me & thank you for the apron producer!
今ぴったりのエプロンをコピーしました ;) サ○リオごめんね w
So the denim is used for copy projects ;) If you are interested in my copy jeans project, here is the detail:
Making a new pant from an old one / ジーンズから新しいズボンができました
It's common to buy a pattern or a make it from scratch but copying from existing one that fits well is a good option too. You don't have to break your favorite item. @cryptocariad introduced "Pin-hole tracing" technique in her post :)
洋裁というと型紙を買ったり、原型から作ったりというのが一般的だと思うのですが、これはぴったりで大好き!というお気に入りの服がある場合、コピーもひとつの選択肢です。ジーンズは穴があいたので解体して型紙を作りましたが、以前 @cryptocariad さんが紹介していたまち針を使って型紙を作るテクニックだと、解体の必要がありません。
Drafting the pyjama top : Episode 2 ...
By the way here is the apron that got too small for my daughter. It was a gift from my cousin family. I have a lot of food memories with it. I'm not sure we'll have a second child but I keep it in basement for a while :)
That's it. Happy Needlework Monday to all!
Needlework Monday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you to the team for hosting this wonderful & fun weekly tag!
針仕事の月曜日は@crosheilleさんと@crystalizeさんが始めた月曜日の針仕事コミュニティーです。和気藹々針仕事の話題で盛り上がります。英語の投稿にヘルプが必要でしたら discord などでお気軽に声をかけてください :)
Posted using Partiko Android
日曜大工エプロン的な見た目になってしまったので、きのこのテープを買いに行ってポケットにつけたのは内緒です www うちはスペースがなくてどんどんもらってもらっているのですが、このエプロンと母が一番はじめに送ってくれたカーディガンだけはなんとも手元に置いておきたくって。。。Suminyanさんみたいに十数年を経て手放す時がくるかもしれません :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
そんなまた手先の器用な Suminyan さんが何をいいますか ;) このエプロンは数年後どこへいくのやら!
またまた!Skyleapさん、今日のバングルは英語もあれば Needlework Monday にも投稿できたのに :)
Many thanks for the mention, @akipponn. The apron looks beautiful and it's such a good way to use left over fabric and to upcycle too !
The technique was impressive and I always remember it when I copy something. Leftover fabric box is a good place to search for fabric for my daughter's small item :)
Clever technique and it worked out very nice. I am always amazed how neat your sewing is <3 And although I like Hello Kitty, I prefer your jeans apron more - the dark jeans blue and the little mushrooms are perfect together.
Thank you neumannsalva! Ja Kitty is kawaii. Initially the apron looked like one for papa Sunday DIY so I added the Pilz tape on top of the pocket ;)
I agree with @neumannsalva @akipponn, I prefer your apron too, I am bias towards anything denim :D The little apple green vest apron looks really cute too. Yes, keeping it will be a good idea. Who knows when you will need it :) And I did not notice the little mushrooms, you have bionic eyes @neumannsalva! :D
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Manually curated by @vibesforlife.
Hi @helpiecake, I'm happy to receive another cake. Yum yum!! A comment with a piece of cake is really a happy maker :) :)
But even if the item is copied you would never know, because a different fabric makes it look totally different form the pink one.
I'm always impressed how beautifully finished your items are. Well done!That's really clever @akipponn, to copy an existing well-fitting item. I'd say you also saved quite a bit of time :-)