Five years ago we moved back to Canada from Florida. While in the sunny south most of my crochet was influenced by the weather and the beach. During that time, I was exploring amigurumi (the Japanese art of crocheting and knitting stuffed animals) and I made everything from crocheted mermaids and seashells to pink flamingos.
This Beach Bear was one of my favourite creations.
She was a joy to make, along with all her little accessories! Some day I will make her a playmate. If you are interested in making your own, the pattern can be found here
Hopefully I will get back to work on my tartan this week and have an update for you the following. Happy #NeedleworkMonday everyone!
Welcome home...I think? It must be very different being back. Are you enjoying it? Your beach bear is so cute! Thanks for sharing the pattern link.
Thank you! Yes it is great to be back in Nova Scotia. Florida was nice, but I prefer the changing seasons...snow and all! 😀
I have to admit....I'd be lost without winter. I love it! But spring is looking good about now! LOL
Friend how are you, this is very beautiful indeed very nice knits I love the details you have a wonderful gift of creating with thread and needle great things, greetings to Candy and Brimax
Hello jenni! Thanks for visiting and for your nice comment! 🌻
Hello @anise how are you ?. Wow, how beautiful is the teddy bear, I really am very perfect, you look like a professional. Who would think that with thread and needle you were going to do something so beautiful and tender. I really am very nice, I hope you can do more and share with us. I congratulate you, good job.
Thanks alejo! Everybody needs a teddy bear!
OMG! That is too stinking adorable. I can't handle it! I so badly need someone to teach me how to crochet so I can make adorable things like this and fill my house with them!! Thanks for sharing. :)
Thank you! And they do fill your house! I have boxes of stuff I crocheted. I must set up shop one of these days!
She's so cute! I'm curious, how long did it take you to make the little beach bear and all the accessories?
Thank you! I'm guessing about 3 days. But I take lots of breaks. 😉 Once I get going on something I have to finish it fast to see how it comes out. Then into the box with the rest!
I also love amigurumi @anise ! When I saw your beach bear I thought 'this bear needs a filet crochet prom dress or a tartan kilt' 😍
Haha! Yes, she must be getting cold living in her beach wear all winter long!
Oh my goodness, how cute is this?! Thanks for sharing the pattern!
I don't have time to crochet right now, but I would love to try this sometime! ♥
I hope you get around to making it. It was fun!
wow !!!! What an amazing job !!!! bear cub adorable !!!! her duck and the fish in the bucket are very cute :)
Thank you! It's fun making toys sometimes!
My oh my, the doll is absolutely adorable. Look at the cute little fish!! So lovely :)
Thank you! It was fun to make!
OMG this is ADORABLE! I LOVE it! My granddaughter would love this bear and the accessories really make it pop! Wonderful work <3
Thank you! It was really fun to work on and watch it come together.
Ha! Ha! Ha! That is great! I love the accessories, especially the yellow rubber ring. So cute!
Thanks! The rubber ring is my favourite part too!
Awwww!! How precious is this bear! You did a great job with this!
mesome little girls happy ☺Your beach bear is too cute for words @anise! Its amazing the varieties of stuff that can made out by crocheting. Gifting pretty dolls like that would really makeHehe, making them makes me happy too!
very nice work!!! this is a great talent to be able to do something simple. thanks for the great post and photos
Thanks! I'm glad it made you smile!
upvoted, liked and followed 💕💕
Thank you! I see you like amigurumi too! 😀
She is the cutest!!! I love all of her little accessories! Thank you for sharing her with us~ 🤗💕
Thanks! we allneed a bit of whimsy sometimes!
I couldn’t agree more ;D
That is so adorable! Now that you are back in Canada, you will be making warm stuffs :-)
Thank you! I already have a drawer full of scarves, hats and mittens!
Wow mam!!! ☺ lovely creation of yours mam.👌
I'm happy you like it!
Hi @anise. So cute and beautiful. I kike very much. Greetings from Venezuela
Thank you! Greetings from Nova Scotia!
Cute! I like that you can find patterns for anything on the internet. I have knit trout!
Thanks! I spend far too much time looking at patterns! A knitted trout...thas hilarious!
You would be surprised at the number of fish patterns... Some of the avid fishermen in my family are quite young.
You know I'm looking forward to you friend @anise and this beach bear is very cute I like the details like that duck float my god is beautiful amuy I had not seen anything like that, greetings to @brimax and to Candy
Thank you! I really enjoyed making this one!
Beautiful is good that you show us what else you did, I find this beach bear impressive and with the amount of accessories that comes.
The beach inspires us to many that is very true, greetings to the beautiful candy, it is strange
Thank you for visiting and for your lovely comment!
Oh my!! That is so stinkin' adorable!!! I just love it! :) Do you put little pellets in the feet so it has some weight to stand on?
Thank you! That is a great idea! I think I once put beans in a doll but I was concerned about it being washable. Pellets would be better.
She is adorable! So much detail and skill! I love her! 😃
Thank you! She was fun to make too!
So cuuute! The fish - uhhh - I need this tiny smiling fish. How can you make something so cute? 😍😍
I love amigurumi, but I do not like to make them, it's to fiddly for me (you would never have guessed this 😉)
Thank you for this lovely bear (and fish)
I don't mind fiddly stuff! I actually find it calms me. But I was not always so patient. Maybe one becomes more tolerant as they age?
I am not so sure with the aging... perhaps I should meditate more :-DDD
wow got a idea :P i will buy this for my lil sister

She will love it!
Funny picture