I have been away from Steemit a lot lately, but rest assured my needlework never sits idle for long.
I am about to launch what I hope will become a regular feature here in my blog world. Knitting Myself Back Together. A view into my mind while I knit the fabric of my life. Follow and watch for it soon!

Patches are a staple in my studio. These are as good as sold gold. I have a hard time building stock for events unless I let other tasks fall aside.
I needed a few busy but productive days to keep my hands busy while my mind chewed on some homestead things. I happily have enough stock built up that I am finally going to open the Etsy shop I have been sitting on.

Sketching and designing never end. Here is a quick preview pic of a new patch I am working on.
These Grateful Dead designs I tend to favor are common use items. I personally sketch my own patterns while looking at an image I like. I need this connection to the process.
This next project is inspired by @violetmed and a post she made a few weeks ago about a vintage pattern.
I went into my archives and chose a cute little pixie hat pattern to knit.

Knitting for the Littles is one of my niches. I am always working on new patterns to put into production. As I knit this one I am also making a crochet version.

I tinkered with some ideas for thank you notes. I had fun trying to figure out how to make them fold.
And last but not least, the white hat is still waiting for dying...
... The poke berries I wish to try are not yet ripe.

Back soon with more!
~All Text is my own
~this image was purchased by me for use many years ago from Shutterstock
Just a girl... Living, Loving and Dancing her way to Wholeness with the help of a Mountaintop and a Purpose.
Follow the Adventure @borrowedearth

I am still curious how you will dye your hat :-D And the parallel knitting/crocheting experiment looks fun too.
I have to admit that the step of dying will be brand new to me... I will be homeschooling this one... Lol... I hope to share the journey here with all its trips and bumbles.
The trick today is to finish the two hats before I jump on to the next creative adventure. I most definitely use Steemit to push projects thru... I am learning to finish things.
Thanks for stopping in a minute to visit. Hugs
Making patches, knitting, crocheting, harvesting berries for dye...
I'm getting tired just watching you work!
Thanks for sharing your creative exploits with #steemitbloggers
Hugs! This is only the fiber studio!! I have a Homestead too, and we are hosting our wedding in a mere 12 weeks... Yikes!
Thank you for this studio update! I love the name of your new feature! I’m looking forward to following it and seeing where you take it! Looking forward to seeing the hat dying too!
Thanks! Nice to see @needleworkmonday up and running!
The berries are beginning to turn!!!
Absolutely!! 😉