
Its monday guys, so its needlework-monday and besides going to the beach and being in the water with my unicorn today I made a blog with the pictures I took off a jeans project I did before I went to Portugal.

Its about upcycling your favo jeans. In this case not mine but my oldest Sons. He has a jeans but because his phone is always in his backpocket
The jeans was wearing thin there.


Photo 1 the hole next to the pocket
Photo 2 ironable repair jeans with glue
Photo 3 the cut piece , halfround
Photo 4 try to for under the sewing-machine


You have to iron but because you have to fit the jeans under the sewing-machine I always do a little stitch to keep the patch in place while ironing.
After that you take the zigzag stitch and sew All together to make it firm.

I did another jeans after this one, the older jeans are to Nice to through away. And they say that a jeans wears better and more comfortable with years. Inside it looks patch work, outside you See nothing of the repairs.👍✂️

So dont through away yours, buy the ironable inlays and re-use / up- cycle your jeans.


I hope the pictures are clear so you can do this at home 😉 if you have any questions let me know.

Thanks for stopping by happy needle people and I appreciate if you let me know what you do with your jeans.

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  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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Thanks for sharing the process @brittandjosie!

So dont through away yours, buy the ironable inlays and re-use / up- cycle your jeans.

I agree! Never throw away old jeans. They are the best! I think I have mended more jeans than I can remember. And imagine nowadays, they sell jeans with holes! Imagine how much our old jeans are worth!

Vintage rules 😉

Wow you are genious, keep it up...

Thanks never through out a great jeans! Vintage rules

Very nice jean upcycle!! I’ve had several of jeans I have thrown out that I wish I still had. If only I would have met you all before then...so many great ideas we learn about here every Monday!! Thanks so much for sharing this patch work. The way they make new jeans look worn out these days, those look straight out of a store. This look is definitely in style anyway ;)

YES you now pay top dollar for worn out looks off jeans nowadays but at the behind off a stretchte jeans its more likely to get thin and with the inlays the jeans get a Second life ! I love My OLD Levi’s never through jeans away. Olde jeans ate better than the elsticated ones these days but Thats for the quality of fabric not for comfort than I prefer the elastic ones too.

Glad you liked My blog 😉

Yes stretched jeans seem to thin more quickly. I love quality but I also love comfort.

It was a pleasure reading! 😊

Well done, @brittandjosie! I love it when people repair rather than replace, and upcycle any chance they get. It is so hard to part with a favorite pair of jeans, and you've made is so that we don't have to. Woo! Happy #NeedleworkMonday!

Hi crystal YES you now pay top dollar for worn out looks off jeans, but at the behind off a stretch jeans its more likely that they get thin and with the inlays the jeans get a Second life ! I love My OLD Levi’s never through jeans away. Old jeans are better than the elsticated ones these days but Thats for the quality of fabric not for comfort than I prefer the elastic ones too.
Glad you liked My blog 😉 C U SOON