history of the creation of the woven logo
Good morning, before explaining how to make a woven logo, I am going to tell you the brief story of why I started working with the fabric, specifically with the amigurumi line, to market and generate an additional income for the home, so necessary in the current crisis that my country Venezuela is experiencing. I have always worked in the professional field, through industrial engineering and teaching, and the trade branch is something totally new to me, Besides starting this branch with little or no capital, it has not been so easy, so I have had to get the most of my creativity and learn many things to save cost by doing most of the things in this marketing and digital world by myself, among them learning to take pictures, learning to create good scenarios for the photo, making public relations with radio and television to publicize my products (superhero amigurumi, Disney princesses and LOL dolls) and my brand. When I go to the TV, the name of the brand is always said at the end of the program, in a short period of time, which is why I saw the need for my brand to be put in something visible, that would allow me to show it during the whole TV program, and first I thought of sending it in wooden letters as I had seen it in other brands, but the price was high, and I kept thinking and that's when I came up with the brilliant and creative idea of doing my logo weaving, which apart from showing my brand, would allow me to show something unusual and as original as my logo weaving, and according to what I sell which are fabrics.
step by step to weave the logo
history of the creation of the woven logo
step by step to weave the logo
First you make a sketch of the letters of the logo as shown below:
The letters begin to be woven with the word crochet, leaving a space where the "o" goes, interspersing the white and red threads, as shown in the following images:
Then the yellow letter "o" is made, a circle is woven, where 6 low stitches are made in a magic ring, then in the second turn an increase is made for each stitch, in the third turn a low stitch is made and an increase repeating it until finishing the turn and to finish in the fourth turn 2 low stitches are made and an increase repeating until finishing the turn, once the circle is finished, it is embroidered of black color to give it form of a thread roll with happy face as it is shown in the following images:
Then the happy face is attached to the crochet letters, in the space where the "o" goes.
Then a large circle is woven for the base of the logo.
Turn 1: 10 low points in a magic ring
Laps 2: one increase per point
Lap 3: 1 low point and a raise, repeated until the end of the lap
Lap 4: 2 low points and a raise, repeated until the end of the lap
Lap 5: 3 low points and a raise, repeated until the end of the lap
Lap 6: 4 low points and a raise, repeated until the end of the lap
Lap 7: 5 low points and a raise, repeated until the end of the lap
And so it goes up by one low point until it reaches lap 24 with 22 low points and one increase, it repeats until the end of the lap.
Then the letters M, F and P are woven and joined to the base, with the crochet fabric, as shown in the following image.
To finish the logo, a decoration is embroidered on the bottom of the crochet and the slogan "because your child deserves something unique" as shown in the following image:
It is fascinating to see how determined you are to be successful with your craft and developing a logo is no easy task. It is good to know all worked out because of you being persistent and clever in your choices. You really have TV adds??? Wow!