Fabric Bins & Letter Banner for Nursery Room [ENG-IND]


Hello my Fellow Steemians,

I am back with sewing stuff! Last week I spent a decent amount of time in front of my sewing machine. This time, I’d like to show you one of the works I made.

Saya muncul lagi dengan postingan berbau jejahitan :D. Minggu lalu saya banyak menghabiskan waktu berkencan dengan mesin jahit, dan kali ini saya ingin memperlihatkan salah satu yang saya buat.

A friend of mine asked me to make a set of fabric bins and letter bunting for her newly born baby girl’s room.

Seorang teman meminta saya untuk membuatkan satu set keranjang kain beserta banner bertuliskan nama bayi perempuannya yang baru lahir. Wah, ibu-ibu muda jaman sekarang ya, semangat sekali menghias kamar untuk bayi-bayi yang baru lahir.

She picked the fabric of pastel color with so many cute owls on it. Actually, I have made fabric bins from this fabric twice, so this is my third time. Do I feel bored? Nope, because the final result is just too cute, don’t you think so?

Kain yang dipilih bermotif burung hantu dengan warna pastel yang manis ini. Sebenarnya saya sudah membuat keranjang kain dengan kain ini sebanyak 2 kali. Jadi dengan yang ini, total saya membuat 3 kali. Apa tidak bosan? Kalau hasilnya manis dan imut begini, mana mungkin saya bisa bosan.


I made three parts separately: the outer, the inner, and the batting. Then I combined them all.

Untuk membuatnya, saya menjahit 3 bagian terpisah yaitu kain bagian luar, kain bagian dalam, dan busa. Lalu ketiganya digabungkan menjadi satu.


For the letter bunting, I only used fabrics with no interfacing at all. To make the letters, I copied them from my computer screen (it is more practical than printing it using a printer). To sew the appliques, I used raw edge technique. Don’t forget to put a thin interfacing on the wrong side of the letters.

Untuk banner nama, saya hanya menggunakan kain tanpa pelapis sema sekali. Hurufnya saya jiplak dari layar komputer. Untuk menjahitnya, saya menggunakan teknik raw edge applique yaitu teknik memasang aplikasi dengan membiarkan pinggiran kain apa adanya, tanpa dibordir atau dilipat ke dalam. Jahitan saya buat dua kali agar kuat. Oh ya,jangan lupa melapisi huruf-hurufnya dengan pelapis seperti viselin agar mudah saat dijahit.


Will the edge of the fabric fray? Well, yes it will, and it will fray so much when you wash it many times. But it will look artistic. Take a look at this applique. I made it two years ago and now the edge of the fabric looks pretty. Beside, raw edge applique is faster and saves a lot of threads,

Apa tidak terburai benang di pinggirnya? Ya, tentu saja lama-lama akan terburai, apalagi kalau sering dicuci. Tapi berseni alias ‘nyeni’. Ini contohnya. Aplikasi ini saya buat dua tahun lalu, dan sekarang benang terburai dengan cantiknya. Selain itu, menjahit aplikasi dengan teknik ini juga cepat dan menghemat benang.


Finally, the fabric bins and the banner are ready to be sent.

Nah ini dia, akhirnya keranjang kain siap dikirim.


PS: If you’d like to see more of my sewing stuff, kindly check my instagram @bellobello.crafts.

NB: Untuk melihat karya jejahitan saya yang lain, sila intip instagram saya @bellobello.crafts. Sampai jumpa dan terima ordeeer ...:D (tersusup iklan).

Please follow @horazwiwik


Hello @horazwiwik! Welcome to #NeedleWorkMonday!! These bins and banner are so cute!!!! I have a baby girl on the way so I was especially interested in this post!

Thank you for showing us some of the process and sharing those tips with us! Everything looks so professional, I really love your work! Thank you for sharing with us this week! I’m look forward to seeing more :) Hopefully you will get around to mingling and checking out the other posts for #NeedleWorkMonday! We have so many talented crafters you can connect with!

Hello @crosheille, thanks for your lovely comments. It is very nice to meet you. This is my first post using #needleworkmonday tag. I am very happy to find out about this tag as I have an interest in sewing crafting. So yeah, I'd like to have more friends on the same interest.

Wow, so you are expecting. What a great news! I hope you and your baby will stay healthy :)

You are absolutely welcome! It’s really nice to have you join us! You will definitely find people on here with like interests that you can connect with.

Thank you for the well wishes! We are expecting this June :)

This is realy adorable. And the patterns and colors come beautiful together. What a nice decoration for the babys room :-D

Thanks @neumannsalva. Indeed, the color and patterns are just too cute. They are simply irresistable!

Such gorgeous baskets and banner! I love this fabric, too. Great job!!

Thanks a lot @mrscwin, me too, I was immediately falling in love with them.

I love love love your fabric baskets! They are so cheerful, so professionally done, and they turned out amazing. Great job @horazwiwik! Thank you so much for sharing the "making" process with us. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Hello @crystalize, thank you very much for your lovely comments :). Making fabric baskets is my favorite, indeed. We can play with many different fabrics to get awesome results :D

Raw edge applique is a great technique, thank you for sharing.

Thanks @shanibeer. You are right, it is great, easy and quick :D

I love them, they are so cute 😄

The banner and the matching baskets look really well made @horazwiwik and they are very practical presents

Thanks for your lovely comments. Yeah, the baskets and banner are a perfect match. And I enjoyed making them so much.

Saya ngga punya Instagram Bu @horazwiwik

iklanin sekalian aja di Steemit 😄

Sebenernya saya mau pesan alphabet soft block , tapi apa daya SBD merosot terus 😖😊

mari kita tambah stok sabarnya @santiintan saat SBD merosot begini...semoga tak lama lagi kembali membubung tinggi. Kalo gini saya juga terancam gagal mudik :(


Betul Bu @horazwiwik kita harus banyak sabar menunggu SBD malam ini tinggi

Sudah kangen dgn Jogja ya Bu ? 🙂

Hahaha iyaa, dah kangen sampe di ubun2 😂