Needlework Monday: Regina Marie Shawl

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago

I finally got some “model-y” type photos in the Regina Marie Shawl!

Again, my brother was the photographer. We went down to this creek bed where a railroad bridge crosses. There’s some nice graffiti there, not too shabby for some urban-feeling knitting photos. 👌🏻



Oh! Here’s a sneak peek of a project I’m currently working on:

Thanks for following along! And have a great Needlework Monday! ❤️


The shawl looks great, fun place to take some photos. Looking forward to the next project!

Thank you!

Great photos!! I Love that shawl, it’s really beautiful!! I love the purple shoes too!! 😄

That’s some pretty yarn for your next project, I’m looking forward!!! 😃

Thank you!! Purple is one of my favorite colors, if you couldn’t already tell 😉😂

Haaa! Yes I can tell! 😄😉

Very pretty shawl! I like that you usd two colours.

Thank you!

Hi. The shawl looks great, I like the color. Beautiful photographs. Regards

Thank you!

Oh my goodness is stunning! Just beautifully done. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you!

Thank you so much! 💜

Wonderful photos and perfect outfit (the shoes!!!!!) Your shawl is amazing and the dark colours are perfect for your hair.
And I am curios how the next project will go, because I also have this pattern in my ravelry favorite list :-D

Aw thank you!! I’ve had those shoes for over two years I think? So. Many. Holes. But I still keep them 😂

Gorgeous shawl and I love the combine colors! Can't wait to see your new project!!!

Thank you!

Wow, that looks really nice! You do great work. I can't wait to see the next one! Looks like a fun place to hang out for some urban pics!! :)

Thank you! It’s fun trying out different locations for photography

Beautiful shawl and beautiful photos! I thought it was clever how you guys worked in more purple with the shoes and graffiti. Love your hair, too!

Aw thank you! Yes, love purple!

I absolutely love it! Upvoted! Beautiful work dear! ♡

Thank you!!