Binding a Quilt, with big OOPS and little shenanigans

Complacency is the enemy when sewing, and I was very strongly reminded of that this week as I entered the home stretch of making this shooting star baby quilt!

First, I quilted together the "sandwich" of quilt top, fleece (which I like to use instead of official batting) and backing fabric. I used gold metallic thread to stitch a sweeping curved line from each appliquéd star, to make them look like they're flying across the quilt.

Quilting in progress. I haven't quite decided whether quilting or binding is my least favorite part, haha! All photos are my own.

Closer up.

described continuous binding), I worked on one side at a time.Then I cut binding strips from bright yellow flannel, because I like a cozy fuzzy edge on baby quilts. Normally, I do basic 1/2" binding on quilts, but on this particular design I increased that to 1" binding. I folded the binding strips in half and ironed them, to make them double; then I began sewing them onto the front of the quilt. Because I was doing double lapped binding (unlike @apanamamama who

I finished sewing the first binding strip on one of the lengthwise edges, then got my rotary cutter and mat to trim the binding and backing to the right size. Disaster struck!! Remember what I said about complacency? Without thinking, I automatically began trimming the edge as if I was doing the usual 1/2" binding.


On a positive note, at least I didn't chop the entire edge off before it dawned on me with horror that I'd screwed up so mightily.

Now what? Get out a needle and thread, and hand stitch the layers carefully back together, that's what.

This isn't too bad, right?


Well, I could either scream in rage and exasperation at myself, or I could go eat something. The latter option was more attractive since it was past lunchtime--and the fridge had all kinds of delicious things that needed to be used up. Leftover grilled chicken from the night before, leftover bacon from breakfast, half an avocado....

It all added up to a tasty salad indeed.

And because I was still figuratively licking my wounds over my OOPS, I pulled out the big guns as the finishing touch: FULL FAT RANCH. Low-fat vinaigrette was not going to cut it this time.

Anyone else hungry?

Later, I tackled the binding again. What I do is:

  • Sew the binding to the quilt top side
  • Trim the batting and backing
  • Wrap the binding around the raw edges to the quilt back
  • Pin the binding on the back, so that the edge of the binding covers up the line of stitches created when I sewed it to the front
  • Sew on the front of the quilt, using the "stitch in the ditch" method right along the edge of the binding, so the stitches don't show.

This creates a super neat finish on the front of the quilt; a drawback is that you lose some control over the neatness on the back.

Pinning the back. I just love this flannel print, too!

My OOPS repairs. Luckily, wrapping the binding around over the stitching line above/to the left of it, means it's completely covered up.

Progress! The third side!

At this point I was listening to 3 Doors Down and was into a groove with the music, contemplating the deep issues of Life and all that. Now, small children have specialized radar for Mommies Who Are Thinking, and mine are no exception. They decided that they ought to join forces with my 3 Doors Down playlist to put on a rip roaring concert, and brought every musical toy they own into the sewing room: two xylophones, a keyboard, a triangle, and a harmonica....


Contemplation and zen flew out the window, and laughter took its place as Little Man directly competed with 3DD by banging the xylophone and belting out "Let It Go" and Pixie accompanied him alternately with the harmonica and triangle. It was quite the deafening din, and even more hilarious!

"Let it go, let it go!" was actually rather appropriate!

Ooh, a duet!!

Well, I certainly did "let it go" and now have a completed baby quilt ready to mail tomorrow :) Happy #needleworkmonday everyone!



A most excellent save @mtnmeadowmonna! You pulled it off using only the powers of full fat ranch, patience, and a great serenade. LOL. Your quilt is so beautiful it makes me wish I was a baby! LOL! happy #NeedlworkMonday to you!

"the powers of full fat ranch, patience, and a great serenade" made me literally LOL! Thank you so much and happy #belatedNeedleworkMonday to you!! :)))

Wow your view!

I know you didn’t want to but your hand stitching is beautiful! Do you do embroidery? I bet you make beautiful embroidered work.

Sorry I came and upvoted my own comment here - my thumb slipped. 😒

Thank you! :) I appreciate that! I've done embroidery before and quite a bit of hand sewing when I was a kid and "designing" Barbie clothes.

The view at your place is amazing. Your little ones are really into the music. So serious about their performance. I think the baby quilt is lovely, it’s one of those projects that is frustrating but so rewarding when it’s finished. 🐓🐓

Thank you! Oh yes, it was Most Important to ensure that they had Mommy's full attention. This quilt did get frustrating toward the end since the humidity made the flannel extra stretchy and wonky to work with, but yes it was rewarding to finish it!

The quilt turned out great in the end , honestly the throw in the towel times like the one you had, yep you needed that food. It re energized you to continue. And your kids doing a sing along with their instruments and that amazing landscape , it all comes together yep. I loved the close up view of the blanket. Made me see how really beautiful it was. Happy you completed it on time☺

I am too!!! I'm glad you thought it was beautiful :) That view out the window makes up for a lot of frustrations!

hee hee hee you had a fun musical design while working! :)))) I often have such "UPS", I really understand how much they upset. great that you had some delicious at home :) to them you can still add half a glass of dry red wine :))) the blanket turned out magnificent !!!

I should have added a glass of wine to that meal! :))) Thank you so much, I appreciate that!

I love your honesty, I find it comforting and motivating that such pros make errors too. Your quilt is gorgeous, I love the stars and the metallic thread. 'Let It Go' is also a firm favourite over here!!

I have no problem admitting when I've messed makes me feel better afterward to poke fun at myself :) Thank you so much for the kind words! <3 I intend to make another one of these to enter in the state fair this year.

That would be so cool. We went to the state fair last year, and aside from trying deep fried cheesecake, seeing all the beautiful quilts and artwork was one of my favourite parts. I hope you will post about it here too.

Looking at all the quilts is my favorite part too! They all get hung from the ceiling in wide spaced rows so you can check out both the fronts and backs. I have until August to get an entry made, and I'll certainly post about it!!

Yea for finishing!! It's great and I love how you quilted it. So creative. Glad you were able to salvage what you almost chopped off. It's lovely!!

Thank you!! It's so awesome to hear that from a fellow quilter ;)

Ouch... I know how that feels, I do quite a bit of that and you made a really good save! How long a length did you have to hand stitch? It is a beautiful quilt and your view outside is amazing! Ooo avocado yummmm Haha that is a good one - "Let it go!!"

24 inches! The whole length of my ruler, eek! Definitely made "Let It Go" a great theme for patching it back together :)))

Good for you for finding a way!! Congratulations on the finished quilt!!! It looks really Great!!! I am so glad you saved it and it turned out as planned! Thank goodness your kids came in to help you by giving you a remix and telling you to let it go!! 😅

They certainly won't win any Grammys, but I'll always be their biggest fan anyway :))) Thank you so much for the compliments!

Awwww that is so sweet and precious ~ 🤗💕