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RE: Personalizing Gwen's Quilt Back Using My Embroidery Machine - Needlework Monday

in #needleworkmonday • 7 years ago (edited)

If my embroidery machine can do all that, I haven't figured it out yet😂 I love it! You did a beautiful job and I really like the design. I kind of lol'd at the missing seam ripper...because the law of sewing is that the thing you want is always the thing that walked off (or was misplaced by small children)!


What kind of machine do you have? You should google it and watch YouTube videos. ;) I love my machine. I heard I can even download designs and put them on there, but I didn't ever do that. Tried and it was more difficult than I thought was worth it. Yes, I have got to find my (or a) seam ripper before I get to work on my quilting!