NeedleworkMonday: Early Works / Frühwerke [Ger/Eng]

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago
Countdown terminated on Oct 21, 2019, 2:00 PM

The Carnival Costumes / Die Faschingskostüme

Ich habe vor kurzem wieder angefangen zu nähen, nachdem ich eine neue Nähmaschine gekauft habe. Vor 20 und mehr Jahren habe ich öfter genäht, vor allem Kleidung. Von diesen Sachen existiert nichts mehr, auch keine Bilder - zumindest dachte ich das. Aber neulich hab ich mal wieder ausgemistet und stieß auf einen Karton voller alter Briefe und Postkarten. Darin fand ich einen Brief von einer Freundin mit zwei Fotos - Bilder von ihrer Tochter in Karnevalskostümen, die ich für sie gemacht habe.

I started sewing again recently when I bought a new sewing machine. 20 and more years ago I used to sew more, mostly clothes. I have nothing left of that time and no pictures - at least I thought I had no pictures. But the other day I was winnowing the stuff in my shelves and cupboards and came upon a box full of old letters and postcards. While sorting them I found a letter from a friend containing two photos - pictures of her daughter wearing carnival costumes I made for her.

Es war während meiner Studienzeit, ich hatte nicht viel Geld und "Material und Arbeit für das Kostüm des nächsten Jahres" war mein Weihnachtsgeschenk für sie und ihre Tochter. Das kleine Mädchen liebte es, durch das Angebot an Schnittmustern zu schauen und die Farben für das Kostüm auszuwählen. Obwohl ich darauf bestand, den Stoff zu kaufen. Das hatte ich gelernt nachdem bei "ich kaufe den Stoff, das musst du nicht bezahlen" Stoff zum Ergebnis hatte, der ein Graus war beim Nähen und nicht zum Kostüm passte - das Ergebnis war grottenschlecht. Niemand war unglücklich, als das Mädchen wuchs und das "Ding" nicht mehr passte, die anderen Kostüme gingen in die "Verkleidungskiste". Sie waren "auf Zuwachs" genäht und sie liebte es in den nächsten Jahren, mit ihnen zu spielen.

It was during my college days, I didn't have a lot of money and "material and work for next year's costume" was my christmas gift for her + her daughter. The little girl loved looking through possible patterns and deciding on colors. Though I insisted on buying the fabric, I learned that the hard was the first time when they choose fabric that was fiendish to sew and didn't suit the pattern - the result was bad. All were happy when the girl grew and it didn't fit anymore, the other costumes went into the "disguise chest". They were sewn to fit for some years and she loved to play with them.

Hier die beiden Kostüme - eine Prinzessin (pink... seufz) und ein Engel.

Here are the two costumes - a "princess" (yes, pink...) and and "angel".


Gerade in Arbeit / What's on my needles

The "Second Hat" - the first one was too small for my sister's head
I'm now at the part where I have to decrease - that means a lot of calculating how much and where. I presumes that may take some time, the knitting itself is fast. Mosaic knitting is impressive, but easy ;)
Socks (I know - how surprising!). I'm not really fond of the yarn. The color is great, a gradient from medium red to a dark red and the yarn is really soft. But the softness comes with strings attached: the yarn isn't plied in the way most sockyarns are. You have to take care when you knitt to pull the whole thread through a stitch and not only half of the fibers. And it means: unraveling that is troublesome to impossible.IMG_20191013_174959.jpg

Und woran sitzt du gerade? Wie wär's mit einem Foto unten :)

And what's on your needles? Show us in the comments!


Nächste Woche wird ein SBI-Anteil an einen zufällig ausgewählten Autor eines Kommentars hier gehen.

One SBI-Share will go to a randomly chosen author of a comment to this post after payout.

5% der Einnahmen dieses Posts gehen automatisch an @t-r-f, den Reisekostenunterstützungsfond für das SteemFest.

5% of this post's rewards automatically go to @t-r-f, the travel reimbursement fund for SteemFest.

Countdown terminated on Oct 21, 2019, 2:00 PM

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Dann schmeiße ich mal wieder mit !BEER und !trdo um mich. 🍺 😵 🍺

0.24552000 TRDO0.16368000 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @dotwin1981, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @muscara! @muscara will receive & @dotwin1981 will get

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It's time to draw the recipient of the share of SBI from the commenters of last week's post. I used Random Draw again and the chosen one is @purlisland! If you don't want the share tell me, otherwise I'll see to it tomorrow.


Thanks to all who commented - have fun, keep on steeming and live your life one stitch at a time!

Yayyy! Thank you so much!

Posted using Partiko Android

Kommt mir doch irgendwie bekannt vor! Wo habe ich das denn schon mal gesehen? Grins

Posted using Partiko Android

Earlyworksneedleworkmonday !BEER

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @muscara, here is a little bit of

Oh sewing, I haven't done any for so many years! Your post reminded me of when I worked in a school and I made all the costumes for the Nativity Play (yes, asses and sheep included)! It was fun, although I found it a bit stressful at the time. I was young and took everything very seriously 😂

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @muscara, here is a little bit of

But you think a coat is difficult!!??! I think otherwise... you set in sleeves into a woven fabric, this is still on my to do plan (when I am extremely relaxed and perhaps alone, so I hurt nobody) Both costumes are super cute and I can imagine that this was a beautiful and well received gift.
Now I am even more convinced you should visit your sewing machine again <3

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