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RE: Needlework Monday - Moments That Make My Work All Worthwhile - Crocheted Baby Outfit ~

This is soooo cute (ok maybe the crochet gets a little bit in the background because youre friends daughter is so sweet :-D) I love that you have choosen some bold colors and not the usual pink an baby blue which everybody else is using. It's such a happy combination and unique. Love it!


Thank you so much!! 😄 Yes I agree the baby model makes the outfit shine lol! Yeah I really wanted to go with something different other than the traditional pink and blue. I’m really glad I did.

It’s good hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by lady!!! I need to go visit your blog to see what you’ve been up to!

You are happily invited to come to my blog and read my whiny post :-D ....

Because sadly I was not so productive in the last weeks. After your "media break" I fetched one cold after another and was much longer abstinent. I am still without voice and profoundly coughing (ahhhh again, I cannot stop to whine :-D)
But without the fever I started to knit again (yesterday) and hopefully I can post soon something new in the craft department (it will be a top down cardi, but knitted, not crochet)
I hope you are still fit and maybe you are crocheting already some super cute baby outfits for yourself <3 <3 <3

I will most certainly do that then!! I’ll be there to see you soon! Oh no you too? Our family was down for a week and we are still coughing and blowing noses! 😓

I’m glad you didn’t have a fever and were able to get back to knitting. I look forward to seeing your knitted cardi!!

Let’s see I have a few projects I’m working on. This week I’m working on getting the boys in my family done...making their hats. Then I have to finish making the hats for the NICU and I have one more project after that I’ll be sharing with you all soon ;) After those things I can finally start thinking about baby stuff again :D 💕