Thank you for the resteem!
And I was the same with knitting :-D But recently it suddenly became relaxing. Half a year ago, I would have said that crochet is so much better... :-D
And the rumination topic is very important for me, because I tend to fall into this trap very often. I don't know if you are interested but I wrote a post about helpful strategies some time ago. But it is nothing totally new.... perhaps you now all these tools already.
I hope you get some relaxing crochet/quilting time and send you hugs 💕
I love that article so much, I copied it into the notes on my phone ❤️❤️❤️ The third technique was entirely new to me, and I can guarantee just from reading it that it'll be a fantastic way to boot my butt up out of the doldrums!!! Thanks so much!
I am so happy that you found something useful!!! As I wrote above it is tough issue for me too and I am still working on not escalating my negative thought patterns. And rigth now I really need some of these techniques, because my father got suddenly very ill. I find it so hard not to assume the worst. Cross your fingers that all will be well. (I will now more on monday)
I'm sorry about your father and I hope you get good news tomorrow!🙏🏻