( https://www.google.com/search?q=নেলসন+মেন্ডেলা&prmd=imnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS-6_UwdfaAhUgT48KHTjXDMAQ_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=516&dpr=2#imgrc=2AbcxKh6yUhk8M:)
After 27 years of imprisonment, he took over as the president of South Africa in 1990 and played a leading role in peace building.
Mandela was the country's president from 1994 to 1999. In 1993 he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Mandela became South Africa's most senior ambassador Campaigns against HIV / AIDS
In 2010, he played a supporting role in South Africa's rights as a host country for the World Cup football.
In recent years, Mandela was involved in peace talks with Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and other countries in Africa.
In 2004, at the age of 85, Mandela went to the next level in a sense to give more time to family and friends. He retired from public life.
He has been in the hospital for several times in the past two years. Mandela was admitted to the Johannesburg hospital in January 2011. At that time, concerns about public health were created.
Mandela was suffering from tuberculosis while he was imprisoned in Robben Island in 1980.
In early 2012, Mandela's office said that he was suffering from stomach diseases.
But recently in a few months, Mandela has been suffering from lung infection repeatedly. Mandela was born in 1918 in the tribe of the tribe of South Africa, a small village.
In the country Mandela was called by the name of its tribe Madiba. The undiscovered leader of African black man Mandela is known by local residents as the name. And as a teacher in school, a teacher named his English name Nelson.
Her father was a councilor of the Royal Temple family. Dad died at 9 years old. Later, he became the chief of the Tembu tribe chief.
In 1941, Mandela escaped from the marriage ceremony organized by Mandela for 23 years, in Johannesburg. Two years later, he took law degree from the University of WyattWorld in Africa. There he mixes with people of different caste people.
And from this gathering he began to think about issues like racism, discrimination. That thought inspired him into politics.
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In that year Mandela joined the African National Congress ANC Later, he established the ANC Youth League.
Mandela married in 1944 in the month of Evelis In 1958, the divorce took place in their marriage. As a lawyer in 1952, Mandela began his legal practice with his colleague Oliver Tambo in Johannesburg.
They simultaneously campaign against racism. In 1956, 155 people, including Mandela, were charged with sedition. But after 4 years of trial, the charges against Mandela were dismissed. But due to the passage of the new law, anti-racism campaign stubbornly resisted.
In 1958, Mandela II married Winnie. His wife, who played an active role in removing Mandela from prison,
The ANC was legally banned in the 1960s. Mandela left underground
Conflict tensions with the apartheid government increased in the 1960s. At that time many people in the anti-racist movement were killed by police firing. And this ended in a peaceful protest movement. As the ANC National Vice President, Mandela started economic sabotage campaign and movement.
The authority's sword came down on him. In 1964, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. After being sentenced to 18 years in Robben Island, he was taken to Polosur prison in 1982.
Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1993 after the second marriage split in 1992. Five months after that, he was elected the black president for the first time in South Africa's history, regardless of the democratic vote of the all-white people.
In December 1997, he handed the leadership of ANC to the organization's vice president Thabo Embecki.
On July 18, 1998, he married Goma Mitchell, the widow of Mozambique's former president, Samora Mitchell.
( https://www.google.com/search?biw=360&bih=239&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=uI7hWsaiGJDGvwTc2r-4Dg&q=নেলসন+মেন্ডেলা+ভাসকর্য়&oq=নেলসন+মেন্ডেলা+ভাসকর্য়&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.12...328022.345848..347612...0....0.0...........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.jK0RqoWGShc%3D#imgrc=qmRUxmo22IhNHM:)
On 16 June 1999, he retired from the government and handed over to the government the government.
Mandela's only son Magto died on January 6, 2005, at the age of 54. It is reported that he died of AIDS.
On June 26, 2008, US lawmakers agreed to remove Mandela from being named as a terrorist by the National Bureau of Information.
On 9 May 2009, he took part in the inauguration ceremony of Jacob Zuma.
In the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the final between the Netherlands and Spain appeared on the stadium to see the game.
On June 8, 2013, he was admitted to hospital due to lung infection.
He spent the next six weeks in the hospital.
On September 1, 2013, Mandela was released from the hospital.
The legendary leader left his home peacefully on 5 December 2013, in peace.
nelson mandela is a great man.
this information is good. good job @sagor
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Your post was very good. You post better in the future.
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He is a real legend.We should follow him.A great man of inspiration.
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i like this post thank you very much
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Your post was very good. You post better in the future
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Hi @sagor61. Nalsonmandela was a great man. He is the hero of south africa. He is the first black president of south africa.
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Nalson Mandela is famous person of whole world.
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i like this thank you so much...
Thank you very much for posting a great post e liked at Lothi i am #Arif just upvote you!
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he was a great man what he did for his country no one ever did
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Nelson Mandela was a leader of racism, he did a lot for the people, thanks to the brother to share you with such a beautiful ......
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