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RE: The ANS/NEO scam - why I don't recommend buying it

in #neo8 years ago

LOL. Troll trap made by trolls. You're attempt to "confirm" anything based on search engines and search trends is amateurish. You're a freshman at best.

Your first flaw is assuming a trends search is indicative of a projects popularity with whom, exactly? The entire internet? When Cryptocurrency is only in the hands of a few vs the world. Nice try. Global market cap is somewhere in the neighborhood of, oh 65 trillion. Crypto is 130 billion. Neo is a drop in the bucket, of another bucket, of another massive bucket. You need to go back to the drawing board on that one...

When you do a standard search on Biadu, you find plenty regarding the project. Did you assume no one would cross check that? I'm starting to chuckle.

Your second flaw, well that one is kinda funny... You've choked a little too hard while sucking down the "ethereum of china" phallus. Here's a tissue, wipe what's left off your chin. It's an all Chinese team and guess what, they live in China. Imagine that.

Your third flaw is assuming a coin must be, somehow, equally divided up amongst other exchanges, smells of mad dog 20/20 and lucky strikes. Now I'm laughing again...

I trade on two exchanges. Why? Because the rest suck a$$, have no volume, riddle with controversy, crawling with slim and a hiccup away from closing their doors.

Your fourth flaw. It's a scam... HAHA. If you truly believe NEO is a scam, and you're not here click baiting for pennies on Steem, then you should leave Crypto for good. Either that or continue selling me your cheap coins when you buy high and sell low.

Let me guess, your response is "I'm a NEO troll?"

Happy trading.


Are you trying to say that you are a troll? Your attempts as misstating what I have said based on your post is amateurish. You're a freshman at best.

Do you see how you sound ?

Your first flaw is that you apparently completely ignore facts and reality and make up things which I didn't discuss in the post at all. You are just supporting my post. It's the NEO crowd that suggested that NEO is BIG. As such it would have been noticeable in some way. You've never been in China right? I have and the Internet crowd is very big, but that's beside the fact that you have disqualified yourself with this post to take part in an actual discussion. You DO realize that every crypto user has Internet?

Your second flaw is that you don't understand anything again. That's exactly what I was pointing out. A bunch of Americans having no clue about what was going on getting excited about having no clue of what is going on. Of course you put every effort into your strawman. Go trolling someone else.

Your third flaw is your smelly old strawman again. I never said anything like that and never assumed that. More the opposite the point was that American exchanges are preferred by Americans they have the most trading. You are laughing together with many people. That's what life in the Asylum does for you. At least you are happy, better don't come visit the real world.

Your fourth flaw is that you can't read. I didn't write NEO is a scam. I wrote about the ANS/NEO scam. That's semantics that you ought to understand.

No, you are incorrect. My response is above, however my judgement about you based on your drivel is that: YOU are a NEO troll.

I have position in NEO; also, have begun building position in #QTUM. Currently evaluating whether to add to my #QTUM position. Seems NEO marketed more toward the West, compared to #QTUM. Also, the angel investor list for #QTUM is very impressive. A negative, history of 1 of leaders as alleged "scam" man. Changed his name. I'm NOT a techy guru nor developer, but from my reading, #QTUM has as much if not more potential than NEO. Look forward to perusing more info. Thanks Jason Davis and Devages for this content.