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in #neo8 years ago (edited)

Good plan I think! Steem I personally see going up to $4 in a year which is a nice increase, but there are projects that can go much higher than 3-4x gain. NEO is a good pick I think it can double, triple or more. But I think there are other interesting choices too which have the potential for more. I have NEO since it was Antshares but I am now really eyeing Stratis as in the current market it's market cap of 600 million is really undervalued when it basically offers the same as NEO but for western, corporate markets. Sure Asia is huge and booming but don't forget how big the markets in the US and Europe already are. I am very bullish longer term on Stratis, I believe they are being overlooked because they aren't as 'exciting' but they have partnered up with Microsoft and are implementing their first blockchain solutions in the global seafood industry (which is amongst the biggest trade industries in the world). I feel like it is only a matter of time before Stratis shoots up to 70-80$ just like I felt this was the case with Antshares/NEO a month ago. It is for this reason that I invested equal parts in NEO and Stratis. With NEO having boomed, I am now thinking of moving more funds into Stratis to see if I can do another 10x in a few months. Also, with all the traditional investors pouring into the market place I think the corporate style of Stratis may appeal to them.


Yes Stratis is one I like too.

People keep talking about Neo as if it is over. Imagine if you could have bought Bitcoin when it was $40

I believe Neo will be much bigger than Bitcoin.

$40 Neo is super cheap in my eyes

What about Alis, the Japanese version of a Steemit built with Neo? Can buy 2900 tokens for 1 Ethereum starting 10pm August 31st. A Japanese focused social media website like Steemit is going to do amazing.

Japan is one of the main reasons why cryptocurrency is growing so fast.

I don't think it will be bigger than Bitcoin, or not anytime soon at least. I think it is more fair to compare it to Ethereum's value and potential. For my own speculation I like to consider ETH's market cap to be NEO's maximum potential in today's market. But I like to remain conservative in my estimates

also, keep in mind that Bitcoin is 'digital money' or gold but NEO really is not a payment method. NEO is supposed to be shares and GAS is more like fuel. So this makes it intrinsically different from something like Bitcoin which is mainly a store of value and meant for spending. NEO is more like owning part of an infrastructure. Which could, or could not end up being worth more.. time will tell.

Bitcoin was the first not the last. It won't be number 1 forever. It's only a test coin. The fees will always be high so that it can easily be pushed out of the way when the time comes.

I have reason to believe this and to believe that the entire cryptocurrency market is by design. For this reason I am team Neo. 🙂

I am not sure I completely agree. I do think the similarities to digital gold hold.. Just like in real life, at first people traded gold, but as time progresses we invented better money. Yet, to this day, gold is still considered 'king' in many ways, as an investment. I think the same will apply to Bitcoin.. it won't need to be fast, because it'll just be your digital gold stash. We won't be paying with digital gold for much longer, something else will take the place of digital money, I agree. Maybe all of it will, and we just have to get used to the idea that there is different kinds of money with different features. I am very excited in any case! I'm 50% of my portfolio in NEO too by the way, hehe. Though that is mostly due to it's rise, I used to be 20-25% NEO (still my biggest investment back then)

I just signed up to and have nearly earned a penny to go along with the $10 bonus that was received for signing up. All I did was post one status update and created a cryptocurrency group. pays you from their ad revenue. I earned a tiny bit just because people seen my post/page. Really cool.

Will be interesting in the future once their token is added to the website.

Oh wow, thanks for this I will check it out. I'm always on the lookout for free crypto!!

As you likely know by now pays 10% of the ad revenue to all accounts. You can upgrade an account to receive 80%. I almost earned a penny so far so I would have earned 8 times that amount if I was upgraded. The minimum plan is $180/year. That's actually pretty good. This website has so much potential, especially with the token they are launching.

Seems like it will be easy to make money on Ong and you can withdraw to bank, PayPal and other options as well. Pretty cool.