in #neoxlast year

These is a very sensitive topic to discuss.
My name is chima chibueze from Nigeria.
Sometimes we as human we don’t practice what we preach, and it’s a very big deal

It takes a lot to forgive and sometimes it’s so scary when trust is been attached, how do we let go completely act like it never happened.

Many people offends you and tells you to forgive and forget, that’s doable but not for me cause I know deep in me that such will definitely repeat it self so I try my best in forgiving but am not forgetting, how do I forget the scare that was triggered while you where venting your anger, hatred and frustrations on me or maybe it wasn’t intentional but am hurt and it’s just gonna remain like that for a very long time

And I’ll feel hurt more if it’s coming from someone I totally trust with everything in me. I don’t think I for one will want to heal cause I will be scared of repeating it’s self and we all know the popular saying that “that’s the rod that breaks the camels back” and it hurts differently.
Like I said in one of my previous articles about trust, trust is earned and when broken there is no going back it can’t b fixed nor amended it’s just so lost

So the best I can do is forgive and I just totally try my possible best in closing the chapter, that doesn’t mean I have forgotten what he or she made me go through, we may be friends though but at these junction I think we will never be back the way we use to be.
But time will heal, time will always make its way through. So I just allow myself being loved in all the possible way I can and hang out with people who produce good vibes and values me

As we all know to heir is human but to forgive is Devine, it takes a lot to actually forgive like a pretty much and at the end of the day after forgiven the person you feel lots of freedom around your self feels like lifted a whole load of burden of your chest.
At these point you breathe in fresh life and freedom and breathe out happiness and relief

But I never thought i will be saying all these words I know life it’s self is a teacher and we learn every blessed day. And i need to believe it that I will get hurt one way or the other again and again and again I should never get tired of forgiving, and Loving over and over again.

We are humans and we are made of mistakes and that’s what makes us complete. We have to forgive our excesses, make run for a change, listen to people’s opinions and excuses. And choose to be happy with what ever life throws at us. I’ll find my happiness in what makes me happy and if tomorrow it’s no more there then I’ll make a million reason for me to remain happy even In the absence of my preferences

I just know I’ll be fine and God has his plans set up for me and I’ll work towards them and forgive as many as I can and try my best to forget cause i think it’s worth a try.
thank you.
See you some other time bye for now