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RE: The Bachelor Episode 7 Breakdown

in #neoxian5 years ago

Shoot 29 days in and I only seen your blog now! What a shame! I am a Dutch bachelor fan. I watch and this time it’s not loading in Holland . So ari was the last, I follow a few on Instagram but peter well he is not yet getting me but with your videos it might although that cut in his head 😬 well it’s nice to meet you and I will watch with you but I have to confess nothing beats jojo and Jordan
Ok untill we meet again
And who a is getting the final rose you think ??? Let me know


I think the final rose has to go to Madison at this point. Peter just doesn't seem to have much a connection with any of the women so far and I just keep going back to Madison by default.

Ok well we have to see hometowns and than the fantasy suites and ceremony , I guess you are my BC now!