BRO Finance

in #neoxian2 months ago

So @enforcer48 and @dbooster says I should have some charts and show the growth of what we've been doing with BRO, just like SSUK does with his. So I'll show you our up to date accounts. We generally tend to track growth and not so much asset holdings right now because it's all red, and we played a long game with Splinterlands and Rising Star.

So, in full, right now, here is what we have for the BRO project:


There are also a couple of things missing from this chart but I didn't want to bother silverstacker too much at this late hour, but I have two projects with him that is BRO related.

BRO owns half of club, dabs, dbond and rug, and we also do a side project together (usually when the bull gets good).

Since the SPL cards and land are on raymondspeaks account we began to classify that as a BRO entity if you're wondering why that is on the account page there.

We took a risk with Splinterlands this year, or, well, I did. I was fully invested in their land development and I think that once this comes to fruition we will have a different BRO scape. For now, I'm just furthering what we have in the Splinterlands arena, because I actually do think this will go well in the future.

Right now Gamefi is still in its bear market and I don't think things will start to get going yet, so I'm waiting.

Growth (General).

First thing I'd like to address (because I always get asked this), is how do you still grow and pay users hive in a red candle market daily, weekly?

Well, we use both the inflation from hive engine assets, and the inflation we use from our daily posts. There is usually a good amount of profit there left over which we put to good use. Usually buying more h-e tokens, or sometimes having to pay our devs.

Most weeks bar maybe the odd one or two, we remain in the green for the dollar value. Sometimes it's not a whole lot, like $10, but it's still green.


Also token sales:


As you can see here, we have to take power downs & token sales to fund Brofi and buy BRO back from the market, pay divs & devs but after all the power down has been taken -- we've made 71 Hive in HP.

Growth, in small amounts.

We don't sell assets, we sell rewards.

Splinterlands (Growth)

As everything's been quiet we've been silently levelling up everything we have. Not to bore you with too many screenshots I've picked out a few relevant ones:

We started off in August with around 22,000 Sps. I made the call to sell some and get some Beta cards to work our lands for more Sps.


To here: Where we have around 43,000 tokens from staking and playing the game.


That works at about around 1,375 sps per week.

I've been battling every day on the account -- we have a bot that plays it. We flit between Champion 1 & Champion 2 every season.


And with that glint I go and buy myself some nice new rebellion reward cards

Lands is still developing. We've been getting updates on a sporadic basis in our little land baron section of splinterlands from the main developer -- but so far it's looking promising.

One thing to look out for is that I've been mining a lot of research as well as sps during the mining campaign, and they have said that the bulk of rewards will be going to those that concentrated on mining research. This is where we'll be able to create new potions in game and add an entirely different element to it. Or, you can sell it.


We are 269th in the whole of the game for research. I am hoping good things will come to those that wait.

I've also kept a lot of common land because I think we're going to be able to rent that out and when that comes along it's going to add a further dynamic to the whole system.

Rising Star (Growth)

We've positioned ourselves in the Top 100 for rising star. Last bull market this one was a sleeping Dragon, and yet when the Gamefi bull came along this one was there to take the mantle. I missed it last time around, @stickupboys told me to get into it because the rewards were amazing, but we had our sights elsewhere.

And just like Splinterlands, Rising Star went from being really really valuable to being able to buy things up for pennies again. I really think this will return, and they've been building non-stop, so we grabbed ourselves a player and he played and streamed all through the bear market.

$1500 doesn't seem like a whole lot in a game, but when this thing hits off this year we could probably see a x10

I can't show you a chart here, sorry, if I try and log into my account they'll detect a different IP and ban me. We have one player for that account and it's not me! Hah.

BRO Price


Right now the BRO price is tanking, which is perhaps one of the reasons people get worried, especially when Hive is mooning. We currently have an ex BRO Dragon dumping his 2000 BRO on the market. It's a bigger dump than when AJ sold out.

I remember last time people got worried then!

Alas, rest assured, this will pass, and BROfi will eventually eat into this dump, because we need a good 70-100 BRO weekly to keep it sustainable. So it will pass.

Not to mention @melbourneswest has his eyes on Dragonship this season - so there will eventually be enough buy pressure back.

People haven't seen Hive at these prices in over a year. Everyone's taking some profit right now, it's natural. It'll pass.

Future plans

I made the massive mistake last bull market of keeping everything as is. And for that mistake we lost 90% of our value. If I had sold the top and went into stables we'd be valued at well over 200k, but we didn't and I suffered for that.

That won't be happening this Bull market.

So, although we don't talk much about BRO I promise you we're working really hard behind the scenes to keep the token price relatively stable and our assets in tact!



Almost 1 Hive per BRO! Keep growing!

let's goooo bros

LFG! :)

Thanks for the update!

No worries Bozz, sir! :)


Good update! See, that wasn't so hard, was it? 😃

I've been watching our accounts dwindle because of splinterlands and it's been hard to update on that mess. I've been reluctant to do this more because of it.

Alas, writing all that out made me realise it wasn't so bad, and I had held onto all our assets, kept us afloat, and have been managing the price steadily for 2 years.

So I'll probs and try get one of these out to you guys more often.


"We currently have an ex BRO Dragon dumping his 2000 BRO on the market ..."

Dumping? That is news to me, although ... As an Scot Englishman, the definition of the word there may mean something different ... 😉

From a price stabilization POV, I could "return fire" and classify how @brofi handles its BRO purchases, but ... I'll refrain ...

No disrespect meant sir - if you need to get rid of those tokens, you need to get rid of those tokens :)

Thank you for the informative update.

May Positive pepEntropy be with you.I'm having a #TooFuckeh !MEME of a #FUN time.


When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



@brofund, I sent you an

As a quick suggestion, you should have minted some of the reward cards in Spl (which I guess you have plenty) paying DECs, selling those for moar DECs, and converting to Hive -> HBD in order to start the nice HBD Pot (your current strategy as I understand). Regards from my newly reached level of 20 Mighty BROs xD

Yes sir, we have been doing that :)