
in #neoxianlast month

next steps.png

So I have thought long and hard about where we are headed in the next few years. What will the BRO community look like?

Well, right now our finances are solid.

People that invest with us generally get their moneys worth. Should everything we have invested in over the last bear market pull its weight in the next six months then I think we will do really well.

But I want more.

I've always wanted more.

I think seed funding on hive has come to an end. We have pretty much squeezed you guys out of your very last pennies, and we are not going to be asking for anything more on hive. We will just grow with what we have and build out from there.

I mean we have five projects running, that's really good.

That being said if hive eventually does have that tipping point I've always wanted then we may see the potential for a lot more funding. But for now, there's not much of a community here, and we still remain quite the niche chain.

Not the meme token craziness over on Solana I was hoping for here, but, we have plenty of time to see that fad through.

Definitely not dissing hive, I love hive.

But the time has come for us to spread our wings and look further afield for that pot gold at the end of the rainbow.

There is way more out there on other chains and web spaces up for grabs than the tiny niche community we have at hive

But don't get me wrong, we will still be remaining loyal to our roots, so we aren't going anywhere.

Let's say we are deepening our networks and bettering our options.

What will that look like?

Well over the last few months I've been thinking long and hard what we as a space can offer our community.

Not just in financial, but in social too. If you look at X and Facebook there are millions of people on there tweeting away, bashing away, and spending hours on it, and for free.

I want some of that. There's real power in community; build a big and solid one with loyalty, and you win the internet.

Why do people come into the BRO community and stick around? I'd like to think I've created an atmosphere of financial but also social.

That's when it struck me that we can offer courses to people that come to our community to level up in life. The idea being online courses are a hot topic right now.

It would look something along the lines of this:

  • People come in and stay for the laughs
  • Then realise there's a wide range of training available to community members
  • people can either take out a subscription plan or stake 100 LGN to their wallet
  • Obviously I'll be targeting normies so subscription plans will be the way to go, however crypto training will be available.

I plan to start running some in the next few months. I'll start with things I know I'm really good at, some examples like:

  • Write like a pro and attract an audience
  • The psychology behind writing a good article
  • Networking Mastery - Work with anyone and everyone as long as it's mutually beneficial
  • Crypto economics for beginners. It's not just about the money
  • Community building essentials

I'm also in the process of recruiting people that are interested in building their own set of courses to the public with the added option of revenue sharing.

How will this effect BRO, LGN, Cine & GIFU?

Well, when we earn we buy stock in our tokens -- it will be mutually beneficial for all our projects.

This is my idea so far I have nothing set in stone yet but it's the way in which I want to head and the original idea I had for this place.

Courses won't be attractive to people on hive because we are a small niche community, and let's face it most people are here to earn rather than spend -- so this is something I will be taking to the outside sphere.

How will I achieve this?

Well, I'll get blogging again on web2, web3, exploring other chains, get videoing, get tweeting, and having fun again.

There are many pot of golds out there and I want to snag some of it.

I have also moved our community towards interaction. So the server is and will be closed to those who don't interact with us. You have to say hi to us every now and again to keep your spot.

Oh did I also say there will be weekly chat rewards? Ah. I forgot to mention that.

At the end of every week I'll be rewarding people with goodies who have interacted with us the most. Only person that is exempt is me -- so if you are a Dragon or a lowly plebian and you have been super chatty?

Reward time! :D

Once I have everything nailed down to a fine art I should have the chat rewards up and running by next week.

The server is already closed to inactive people. It will open back up once you become active again.

But other than that, that's it for now.

Peace out!


@panosdada curate.


Expanding outwards and trying to get people who are new to crypto in general is a good market to try in :)

so good luck in those ventures

If you’re attracting a wider web audience consider using my free WordPress plugin to pull your hive content into your own domain. WordPress is ideal for self hosting paid courses too

Looking forward to growing together!

Looking for fresher pastures, good idea.