Let's go to basic commands
Let's start to understand the basic game mechanics, rules and functions.
@CryptoGames @AxieBuzz @splintertalk
Use this guide to start your game and farm in Block Farm Club
First step
You need to acquire at least 5 BFCs, which are the tokens for you to start playing.
You can purchase on two platforms, the Pancakeswap with pairs:
And at Poocoin with pairs:
Or receive from friends, trade with other players.
Step two
Now let's get our BFC and transform them into Gems, They are what will buy pots, water, spray and other necessary items for you to start the game and earn more gems. And then, of course, switch to BFC and sell.
How does the conversion work?
You take 1 token and convert it to 70 gems
You take 100 gems and convert to 1 tokens
Why this difference?
It is necessary to "burn" in-game tokens to keep the valuation and price stable, that is, the less token in the market, the more valuable it is.
And how does the withdrawal work? Initially the withdrawal request (gems for token) will be invoiced, and you will always receive it "next tuesday", for now that is until the system is ok and you can withdraw automatically. This is for your safety.
Step three
Now that you have gems it's time to go to the SHOP and buy your basic items:
You need water to water your plants, you can in your basic plant add up to 2 waters at a time, the system will remove one water every 12 hours, that's no problem. But in case your plant runs out of water, every 12 hours it will remove 10 gems from the total gain, until it runs out and dies.
Your plant needs to be placed in a POT, its roots cannot be left out. In addition, pots that will receive fertilizers from your pig farm in the future and reduce harvest time. Each pot has a spec, read well and choose wisely. Pots have a single use, that is, use once regardless of time. If your plant runs out of pot, the counter will crash.
Ants are terrible, they eat the leaves of your plants and slow down their growth. If one or more ants invade your farm, your growth counter will stop. You must use 1 SPRAY per ant, and when they are gone the growth counter returns to normal.
Are you out of time to take care of your farm? Use SHIELD to protect your plant until the end. The shield prevents your plant from needing water and ants from invading. In other words, with SHIELD you don't need water or spray.
Step four
let's understand about the basic plants?
The game will start with 3 basic plant seeds, we'll explain a little about each one of them, and we'll also make a new, more detailed post.
From these 3 basic seeds we have some planting rules (even with non-free land), and remember every land has a number of slots for planting, I will explain in the final considerations.
Rule: Bella can only be planted once in the land, there cannot be 2 Bellas in the same land, ie to plant a new one, you must have harvested the previous one.
Rule: Crystal can only be planted once in the land, there cannot be 2 Crystals in the same land, ie to plant a new one, you must have harvested the previous one.
Rule: Jimmy can be planted without restrictions as long as he has slot available.
Rule: Battle NFT Special Seed: Can be planted without restrictions, as long as slots are available.
Rule: Bella, Crystal and Jimmy after being picked disappear.
Rule: Battle plants are planted like seed, they grow and become an NFT with random Type and Rarity (I'll make a stand over). WHEN PLANTING THE SEED, it will grow in a period of 7 days, when harvesting, it will not give GEMS.
Rule: With the ADULT NFT plant, you can plant to get gems, the amount and times are also defined at birth and may vary from plant to plant. When harvesting GEMS from your NFT plant, the Tired Level will reach 100, and you need to BATTLE to recharge the plant and plant again. There is a potion that speeds up this process.
Rule: NFT plants gain levels and increase abilities and STATUS, but if you put it on MARKETPLACE, it goes back to Level 1, whether you have sold it or not.
Rule: To add or remove an NFT plant from the marketplace, you pay a fee of 1 BFC.
Rule: Only NFT PLANTS can BREED, the counter is 3/3 and the amount of CUPID BEE can vary due to the rarity of the plant, type and number of existing breed.
Rule: basic plants cannot breed
#axieinfinity #axiebuzz #splintertalk
Final considerations
Lands have a limited number of slots, and are for their rarity, Common 4 slots going up to Legendary 12 Slots. We'll talk about global world missions and goddess wars in the next post, and others about lands and detailed plants.
Until later