Yeah, when in doubt, rant into the Hive void because, why not? Life is lifing lately. My brain is just frying. My sleep schedule is sinking. Meh.
Never enough time, never enough money. Haven't spoken to my son in a few days and it's nearly his birthday. I'll talk to him soon but, yeah it just stinks. I've been watching debates on many different topics on YouTube and while I do enjoy them for awhile at a certain point it absolutely gets old. Nobody is making me watch them of course. I go through phases on the debate/drama/current event front, I don't watch for months at a time, and then I sorta binge them LOL. Safe to say I'm shutting those down for a few weeks at least.
Yeah. I enjoy ranting here it does help a fraction of a percent, some days a full percentage point LOL. As open as I am at times, there's of course things I'll not say here. I used to be much more active and much more blunt about things in these rants but, I do like to stay somewhat measured in what I share. Meh. So much stress, all the time.
Hive-engine is down for reasons above my knowledge. Scouring Discord and Hive I get varied vague answers. Perhaps if I took the time to understand the economics of everything I'd understand more but, yeah. I feel as if I understand a lot but not enough. But there's a certain point where I only understand at a rudimentary level, and then a certain point where it just all sounds like lawyer/fine print/big word talk that simply goes over my head. Meh.
I'm scratching and clawing towards rent and bills. I see a tentative light at the end of the tunnel later in February but it requires patience. Hive-engine being down throws a wrench in things but, I do have faith they'll sort it out. I dunno. Definitely freaks me out a bit. I would change the node or whatever the heck ya call it but I just don't wanna mess with things and I notice that many transactions are behind and I assume trying to transact will only make things worse/slower.
I'm almost certain I'm overreacting. This isn't a rant about hive-engine completely though. It's unfortunate but I do have bigger fish to fry without a doubt. If it lasts a loooong time though it will certainly become quite tragic.
Yeah, there is a ton of crap on my mind. I think I'll nap though. If I can. Watch some basketball later. I should probably read a little bit. We'll see.
Hmmmm. Not much else to rant about. I think a nap will help things. I've been wanting to watch Harry Potter as I can't recall last time I've seen one of them. Of the handful of things that can help me relax, a good old HP movie is one of them.
Anyway, they say sleep is the best way to save money. HA. Hive on folks.