Chapters read:
- Unexpected Guests
- Fire in the Sky
- Man and Wife
- Whispers in the Night
These chapters were intense and wholesome. Definitely a strong mix of both traits. This part of the book features a fair amount of people from Carvahall as Eragon helps prepare for his cousin's wedding. I had forgotten just how involved Eragon's home town was in general. I'm so glad Eragon is so loyal even after everything has changed. Carvahall is a good name for Eragon and Roran's hometown. Not only because the town seemed pleasant enough, but the name reminds me of the Carvel ice cream shop. I often get my son's ice cream birthday cake from there and so the name 'Carvahall' reminds me of some fond memories spent with him.
It was so epic to read Eragon and Saphira's rematch versus Murtagh and Thorn. It was great to see Eragon and Saphira get a nice victory. The dynamic between the two tandems fighting is so unique and always changing. Of course their relationship is about as complicated as it gets, but reading how their strength, skills, and weaknesses match up in battle is also very exciting. Eragon and Saphira held their own this time since they were more rested and had the company of the Elves, but still, it was still far from easy to get the upper hand. Murtagh and Thorn's strength is so mysterious at this point. I really want to get to know Thorn better when I finally read Murtagh!
The battle in general was gnarly. I forgot all about the bewitched soldiers being unable to feel pain. That was so creepy and horror movie-like, but definitely thrilling.
Roran and Katrina's wedding was so beautiful and wholesome. A very joyful read. I forgot all about the jewelry Nasuada gave Katrina and about the magical rings Eragon gave the new married couple. Roran and Katrina continue to be such a great pair. Just when things are looking promising for Roran, life continues to present new challenges. I had thought that Roran's role dropped a notch or so after Eldest, but it's clear he's still very much a major character.
I can see so clearly now just how many clues were left in front of Eragon in regards to the Eldunari. Really trippy! Murtagh and the injured dude both seem to be referring to them.
These chapters had chill moments and a wedding, to go along with a dragon fight and zombie soldiers. Yeah, I had a good time. LOL.
Brisingr is way better than I remember. I am so grateful I decided to read these once upon a time...